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You and Mark returned back home five days later. You had filled out your victim form and sent it back to the police, Rowley had filled out his form as quickly as you gave it to him. Officer Roody said to go back home and wait for him to contact you.

You had a lovely time seeing your Mom and having a nice break away with Mark, you were at home alone, Simba was happy to be back home too. You were quite happily sitting in Mark's lucky flannel (he had let you keep it for now since you love it) and your pajama shorts, Simba was on your lap and you were watching some of Jack's videos. Your phone rang, the ID said Roody, you answered immediately.

"Officer Roody? What's the news?"
"Hello Y/N, we have managed to identify the man as a Richard E. Dickens, we did our research on him and he has been called out on attacking fifteen other girls but has never been arrested. His last known place of residency is Houston, Texas. He is known to be 46 years old. We are currently trying to track him down, and we will do whatever it takes to get you and all those other girls justice"
"Wow, thank you so much. I'm... speechless. I'll let Mark know right away"
"I hope you are doing alright. Bye now"
"We're fine. Bye Officer Roody, and thanks again"

At that moment a knock came to your door. You got up and Mark was standing there, he grabbed you and kissed you with such passion it made you weak.
"Hi there" he said, looking into your eyes and smirking.
"Hi Marky. I have something to tell you"
"What is it?"
"Roody called. They have identified the guy"
"Who is he?"
"Someone called Richard E. Dickens, apparently fifteen other girls accused him of the same thing. Roody is furthering the investigation and he is determined to find him"
"Well that's good, I hope they catch that sick fuck"
"You and me both love"

There was a pause.
"So listen. I always come to your apartment, I was wondering, if you and Simba would like to spend the night at my apartment?"

Your face lit up.
"Aw yeah! I would love it! Come in, I'll just grab some stuff"

Mark sat down on the couch as you packed a little bag with clothes for the next day, a toothbrush, some make up and face wipes, Simba's food and water dish and a tin of cat food, you found Simba's carry box and fought with him to get him in it. You went back out to Mark, your bag flung over your shoulder and you were holding Simba's carry box.

"We're ready" you smiled.

Mark smiled back at you, getting up and taking Simba off you so he could hold your hand.
"Let's go m'lady"

You giggled at Mark's dorkiness as he lead you up to his apartment.

Take me away - Markiplier x reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now