At the airport

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You and Mark were waiting at the airport. You felt a little uneasy, remembering what had happened the last time you were here. You were sat on the seats waiting for your plane, you were cuddled up tight to Mark when your phone rang. It was Jack.
"Hey Jack, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay, but I found out who Bridget cheated with"
"Oh really? Who?" You answered through gritted teeth.

"Jamie McDermot. My best friend"
"Oh my God, Jack I'm sorry, that's awful"
"Oh it gets better! After I ended it she went straight to him and he is going to be there for her and the baby, apparently they are moving in together"
"Jack that's horrible. You know we're here for you right? You can call, Skype, even visit when you can"

Jack sighed, sounding like he was choking back tears.

"Y/N, Bridget is your friend, you don't have to do this"
"Jack that's silly. Bridget cheated on you, no matter how much she protected me in school cheating is wrong. You don't deserve this and both me and Mark care about you"
"You are so nice, I really appreciate it"
"No problem Jack. Do you wanna speak to"
*****Kssk*****Flight 4560 to Cincinnati is now boarding*****Kssk*****

"Oh, sorry Jack, our flight just got called, we gotta go. I'll get Mark to call you when we're in Cincinnati"
"Okay, thanks Y/N, talk later. Bye bye"
"Bye bye"

You hung up and as you and Mark walked hand in hand to board the plane you told him everything that was going on with Jack.

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