Let's celerate

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You sat there in complete awe, you almost wanted to cry. You knew Mark must have spent a small fortune on these tickets.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Mark asked after too much silence.
"Yeah, yes. It's just... You must have spent so much money on these"
"Well, I did. But I love you and I know you love Disney"
"I do. And I haven't been to Disneyland in like ten years"
"Yeah you told me! I thought we could go to Paris"
"But, what about Florida? I thought Bridget worked there and she'd give us a good deal?"
"Oh... well, yeah. But I thought Paris would be nice"

Mark seemed a little tense, but you let it slide. You heard your Skype on your phone ring. It was Jack.

"Hey Jack!"
"Hey Y/N. Listen, has Mark told you about me and Bridget yet?"
"Oh. No. No he hasn't why?"
"Well... actually um I gotta go. Bye"

Jack hung up.

"That was weird" you turned to Mark.

"So what's going on?"
"I don't want to tell you Y/N. I don't think it would be right coming from me. Jack's back here tomorrow until Friday. Why don't we go out to dinner with him and he can tell you?"
"Um. Okay yeah alright. But... I don't know why you can't just tell me?"
"Like I said, I think Jack should tell you, I don't feel right"
"Okay fair enough. Hey, let's forget about it for now! Let's celebrate our Disney trip! How about we watch Disney movies and order pizza?"
"Sounds good! I gotta call Jack first"

Mark called Jack on Skype and invited him to his place for dinner tomorrow night, then he ordered pizza and returned to you.

"Shall we start with Lilo & Stitch?" You asked while rummaging through Mark's Disney DVD's.

"Sure" Mark sat on the sofa as you put in the DVD, then you joined him on the sofa, putting your feet up beside you and cuddling up to Mark. You were happy, but all you could think about was Jack and Bridget. What could be going on with them? Why couldn't Mark just tell you? You tried to forget about it as Mark held you tight and you watched Lilo & Stitch.

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