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You woke up in a bright white room, unsure of how long you had been there for. You were in a bed, you squinted as the bright lights burned your eyes. You rolled over to notice Mark fast asleep in a chair next to your bed. He was holding your hand. You were surprised you couldn't feel his tight grip. You tried to move your arm to slowly shake his hand to wake him up, but you quickly realised you had no feeling in your arms at all. You began to panic, which woke Mark up.

Mark quickly sat forward, he put two hands on your cheeks and turned your face towards him.
"Hey hey hey. It's alright. You're gonna be okay"

You relaxed as Mark comforted you.
"Has anyone told you what happened, and my injuries?"
"Yeah. I'm guessing you realised you have no feeling in your arms? That's because the girls somehow managed to drug you when you passed out, they tried to overdose you, you have some minor injuries like in your back, thighs and other places. A sweet little Irish old lady witnessed the attack and she called an ambulance right away. They pumped your stomach and managed to get you to puke back up all the drugs the girls had forced you to take. The nurse said once you woke up you'll get a shot and be able to get the feeling back in your arms"

You struggled to find your words. "I'll have to thank that old lady" was all you could muster. At that moment a little old lady walked into the room, holding two hot cups of tea.

"You can now" Mark said.
"This is Dorothy"
"Nice to meet you" her voice was silky and calming, like a cartoon Grandma. She walked over, handing you one cup of tea, you managed to lift your arm slightly to hold it, and Mark took the other cup.
"Dorothy, thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what would have happened"
"It's quite alright dear. I saw the girls as they ran away, I managed to get them off you. I got a good look at them, I have to go and give a witness report at the police station tomorrow"
"Thanks again. And to think, we just got over the last one" you muttered that last sentence to Mark.
"How's that dear?"

"See, this crazy girl held two of our friends hostage, threatening to kill them if Mark didn't leave me for her. We found where she was and got into a bit of a fight with her and um... well, our friend Bridget killed her. They didn't arrest her as it was self defense. We recovered after a couple weeks"
"Oh dear. Seems you two have this happen a lot?"
"Well, Mark is somewhat of a celebrity"
"Not that much. I wouldn't say I'm a celebrity. I just make videos on YouTube, people seem to like them"
"I think you two need to get away for a while, have a nice holiday"
"Yeah, we do don't we?" Mark joked, but you thought the idea of going away for a while was just what you needed.

Take me away - Markiplier x reader ficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin