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Hey so I am at the library and I have internet but I forgot my notebook and I can't remember what the next chapter I was going to write was :( don't worry! I have it written down but... at home haha. As soon as I get home I am eating ice cream and watching Mark's new video (I missed it this morning he uploaded it at like 6am my time I think, his tweet about it was like 9 hours ago so yeah I think idk I don't maths good) but after that I shall get out my notebook and get right back into writing!

Also good news! I have thought of another Mark fic to write after I finish this one yay :D it's not a Markiplier x reader though, it's just a saucy romance novel featuring Mark and a girl I have named Kimmy. So if your name is Kimmy, look forward to the next fic! Haha.

Oh and I managed to find a couple of catalogues for Disneyland and it seems that the hotel Santa Fey is the best option for me :) I also apparently picked up a catalogue for the Disney cruise line, which I don't think I will be doing, since I get sea sick and I am terrified of the ocean... yeaaaah. Also the point of this trip was to spend a few days in Disneyland anyway :p

I was just flashing back to the day Mark noticed me and I kept refreshing my mentions and his pretty face was there among all the faves and stuff and it was a happy moment.

- Livvy x

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