The tape

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You and Mark had showered and left the house by 5:30. You decided to walk to the club, on the way there Mark interlocked his fingers with yours, you still felt all those butterflies.

You arrived at the club, going in there all of the memories of that night came back to you, you felt your stomach twist as you squeezed Mark's hand and grabbed his arm. He turned to you.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. With this tape they should be able to identify the guy"
"I know, it's just... Being back here, it... brings it all back"
"I got ya" Mark pulled you gently closer to him. A girl came running over to you, you recognised her as Krista, a girl who you were good friends with when you worked here.
"Hey, Y/N!" She came running over.
"Oh, hey Krista, it's been a while"
"It most certainly has. How've you been?"
"Actually, great. Really great. Got a job at an Ocean World"
"That's cool! And who is this lovely man?"

She looked over to Mark.

"Oh I'm Mark. I'm Y/N's boyfriend" Mark and Krista shook hands, you smiled, hearing Mark stating that he is your boyfriend out loud made you the happiest girl alive.

"So what brings you to the club?"
"Oh I need to see Rowley about a thing. He around?"
"Yeah, I think he's in his office"
"Thanks Krista, great seeing you"
"Keep in touch okay? I'm on Facebook"
"I will, I'll add you later. See ya"

You went towards Rowley's office, knocking on the door. You heard a familiar voice say "Come in" as you slowly opened the door.

"Hi Rowley"

He looked up from his desk.

"Y/N! So good to see you! Come on in, have a seat"

You and Mark went and sat down.

"Listen Rowley, Mark here has convinced me to come and get... the tape, off you, and turn it in to the police"
"Oh, I was hoping that was why you were here" he reached into his desk and pulled out a tape, handing it to you.
"There you are, take it now, don't wait"
"We will, thank you sir" Mark shook hands with Rowley and the two of you headed straight to the police station.

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