"No, I am dreaming"

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You had a pretty nice day off, you just stayed in watching Disney movies and cuddling up with Simba. It was quite late in the evening, you were sat at your window seat, watching the golden leaves falling from the trees and gently dancing with the wind. Autumn had always been your favourite season, the crunchy leaves, Halloween, Pumpkin spice lattes, the horror movies on TV, it was just the right amount of cold to wear baggy sweaters, the days were shorter, you loved it. You smiled as you watched the leaves dance, but you decided it was time for some hot chocolate. You closed the blinds and went to make yourself a cup, complete with whipped cream and mini marshmallows. As you sat down on your recliner you realised you hadn't checked on any new YouTube videos lately. Your laptop was on the coffee table just in front of you so you grabbed it, put the foot rest up on your recliner, making yourself comfortable and opening YouTube.

The first thing you see is a new video from your favourite YouTuber, Markiplier, titled 'a new beginning' you click on it and listen to him talk about starting a new life quite far from home, your heart dropped at the thought of him moving all the way to the other side of the world. But your heart jumped straight back up again when you heard him say "Y/T" as the video finished, you slammed your laptop shut and stared in shock at Simba, who was purring away while looking at you blankly.

"I'm not crazy, am I? Did he.... He just said Y/T, didn't he? Oh... my.... golly"

Simba just looked at you in absolute confusion. Your heart was racing too fast for you to handle, you tried to catch your breath for a few seconds, before standing up and pacing around your living room, thinking to yourself.

No, it couldn't. He isn't. No, I am dreaming.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash outside, and then an all too familiar voice crying out "ow!" At that moment it felt like time had slowed right down, you walked over to your window, it felt miles away, slowly peared through the blinds, your heart felt like it was going to fly out of your mouth at any given moment. Standing there, mere inches from your apartment building, rubbing his elbow in pain, it was him.

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