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Hey guys, I've had a pretty long day and I'm not really feeling it tonight. I am still going to update though because I made a promise to you all that I would update daily, and I do love writing so I will definitely post a couple of chapters :) I have also had a big ol' cup of coffee and that is always good. I think I'm addicted to coffee I have a problem. But I don't drink like fifty cups a day and I don't have the shakies so I think I'm good haha.

  I did just watch Mark's new video too (the end of us) and it was really cute and made me feel better :) I'm not sure if this was his intention but I feel like at the end with the Markiplier's heroes heart around the two comets I feel like it was a representation that we and him are those comets. If that was what he meant by that then that makes it even more cute.

Also I got them pictures of Jack and Mark up on my happy wall (yes I call it my happy wall shut up) as you can see from the picture above :) hope you guys are doing good, more chapters soon!

Thanks for reading!

- Livvy x

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