Missing Mother

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"Wake up, sleepy head" you hear the familiar sound of your Mother's voice, gently waking you up with her soothing tones. You flashback to Christmas morning when you were seven, she said those exact same words to you that morning, and gave you a cookie.
"Don't tell your Father" she said playfully as you quietly ate your cookie.

You woke up with a huge smile on your face, expecting to see your Mother standing there with a cookie, but your smile soon faded as you noticed she was nowhere to be found. Looking around your bedroom you remember, you had just recently moved away from your Mother's and started a fresh new life over 300 miles away. You were homesick, you missed your Mother so very much, the way her silky voice woke you up most mornings, the way she would give you pancakes drowning in syrup and a glass of milk while she sat at the foot of your bed, smiling that beautiful smile at you.

You rubbed your eyes, stretched and got out of bed, going to the kitchen to make your own pancakes and a cup of coffee. You sighed, wishing to be back home with your Mother, you knew you could go back and visit when you had the money, as much as you missed home you didn't want to move back, being 23 you knew it was about time you got some independence.

As you waited for the kettle on the stove to boil you hear your phone buzz, you pick it up from the kitchen counter.

Hello sweetheart,
just checking in. How is
everything going there?
Settled in okay?
Get back to me soon,
Mom x

You didn't reply, instead you picked up your phone and called your Mother. The phone barely rang once.

"Baby! Are you okay?"
"Hi Mommy, yeah, everything is fine. I just..
I miss you. I had to make my own pancakes today"
"I miss you too cupcake. You'll get used to it, it's tough when you first get out on your own"
"I know Mommy, I'll come back and visit when I can okay?"
"Okay sweetheart, but keep most of your money for food and everything too"
"I will"

There was a pause, you felt sad, hearing your Mother's voice but not being in her presence.
"How's Simba?
"He's fine" you look over to your flame point Siamese cat, he was laying in a very undignified position on his little cat sofa. You chuckled at the site of him.

"He'll look after me Mommy, don't you worry about me"

It's crazy, but you swear you actually heard your Mother smile.

"Sweetheart, it has been great talking to you, but I gotta go to work. Call me later tonight if you want to. Are you working today?
"Alright Mommy, nah, it's my day off. I will call you later without doubt. Have a good day at work"
"Alright cupcake. I will. You have a good day off. Bye bye, I love you to space"
"And back. Bye Mommy"

You hung up smiling, thinking about the day you and your Mother had come up with that way of saying I love you. She tucked you in after a long day, kissed you on the forehead and said "I love you to space" before she could finish, you replied "and back" and that just kind of stuck with you.

You poured yourself a cup of coffee, and realised you had forgotten about your pancakes. Thankfully they weren't spoiled. You grabbed a plate and your coffee and went and sat down on the sofa, turning on your TV and watching friends.

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