Lee part 2

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"Lee?" I called quietly, knocking on his and Nancy's bedroom door. I could hear moving and then the squeek of the handle. He peeked his head round the corner.
"What becky?"
"Can I have a word?" I asked, still whispering. Everyone's still in bed, its only seven in the morning. Lee stood outside next to me.
"Yes?" She rubbed his eyes.
"Why are you so unhappy? Why do you never go I work anymore? Why do you let dad walk all over you?" I asked in a vicious whisper.
"Have you been speaking to Nancy?" He sighed, heading back into his bedroom. I quickly grabbed his arm, stopping him.
"So what if I have, Lee? We're all family and we need to stick together. Me and nance have noticed your wierd behaviour, it won't be long until mum and dad do aswell. So you might aswell tell is now" I shouted in a whisper. He shook his head and grabbed my wrist, dragging me into the kitchen.
"You can tell mum- or dad okay?" He asked, I nodded in agreement. We both sat down as quietly as we could.
"It's just everything that's gone on lately. Mums rape, the army, dad's anger, dean, your suicide attempt and now baby Oliver." He stopped.
"It's too much, becks. It's just too much" he put his head in his hands and silently started to cry. I rubbed his back for comfort. This family's falling apart and only me and Nancy are willing to stay together.

And it will stay together- on my life it will stay together!

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