You'll never lose me

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It's now been about 5 months since I've been living with the carters and it's been 2/3 weeks since baby Oliver was born.
Somehow, everyone at school knows about my old parents and Shirley who gave me up and a rapist in my family and now I'm getting abusive messages.

"Your brother should have raped you aswell haha"
"Your mum gave you up because you was an abortion fail lol"
"They abused you? Good. you deserve to die."
This had been going on for quite a while now but I'm trying to stay strong although I hate these messages so much.

Micks POV
Becky had been acting weird around here lately and is being so unsocial. it was a Saturday morning when I started to notice these unusual things.
"Morning baby, wanna cuppa?" I asked Linda
"Go on then" she smiled, holding oliver.
"Look at my beautiful baby boy, rocking that onesie I bought him. defo got his fathers looks, ay babe"
Becky wondered in the kitchen with her phone in her hands, as per usual.
"Ever gonna put that phone of yours down?" I asked
She laughed and sat down at the table.
"Becky look what I found" Nancy laughed, holding an old photo of her.
Becky quickly ran after her, leaving her phone behind.
Linda and I gave eachother the look and we looked through her messages.
"Oh dear" Linda gasped
"This is awful. L, she can't handle this, we need to talk to her about this"
"That could only make matters worse mick. let her sort it out for herself."
"But what if she does something stupid babe? I don't wanna loose her, she's my sister. those messages are really bad so I'll keep an eye on her." I said.

I knocked on her bedroom door where I heard her crying.
"Becky? Baby?" I asked
"Not now mick, please" she begged.
I walked in anyway and she quickly put a jacket on and wiped her tears away.
"What's that?"
"What mick? You're making no-"
"Let me look at your arms"
"Let me look at your arms now becky!" I shouted.

Beckys POV
I can't believe this has happened. I told mick not to come in and he still did, I'm so mad at him and now he's shouting at me! But what if it's true? What if I was a failed abortion?.
I hesitated to show mick my arms but I did and then he suddenly collapsed on my bed, pulling me in his arms, crying "why".
"My baby sister, I'm suppose to look after you, why couldn't I see this?" He rocked back and forwards crying.
"mick, it's okay please. I'm so sorry" I cried.
"It's not okay becky! It's not okay"
I sat up and rolled my sleeves down. I got of my bed, gently leading mick by the hands off the bed aswell.
"You can't leave this family, you know? I've always wanted a little sister" he said, holding my face.
"I can't lose you now" he said, breaking down into tears. He hugged me tightly and wiped my tears away.
"You will never lose me"

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