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Linda's POV
It's the next day since parents evening and becky was sitting In the kitchen eating breakfast. I walked in, looked at her and looked away.
"Sorry, mum. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to let you down" becky almost whispered. her angelic voice almost made me want to reply. I watched her through the reflection of the cupboard door while I made myself a cup of tea. She gave a fake smile an looked down at her cereal.
"Hello girls" mick greeted as he walked in the kitchen, kissed me then roughed Beckys hair up.
"Good morning babe" I said, happily and bubbly like nothing had happened.
"Do you want me to make you breakfast, mum?" Becky asked and ofcourse, I didn't reply. I stay faced mick while she stood behind me.
"You could make me breakfast baby" mick asked becky, trying to benefit from the situation.
"I've just remembered I need to get changed" becky said, unhappy with me not replying and then she went to her bedroom.
"I still think your being unfair" mick said.
"She was unfair. I love her mick, that's why I'm doing this." I said. it's true, I do. I've always loved her with all my heart and he's always been a part of this family. becky came back into the kitchen, dressed and happy.
"I swear I am so sorry mum, please talk to me" she begged. but I ignored her again.
"Fine, shut me out. because I don't feel shut out already" she almost shouted angrily and stormed to her bedroom. now I feel really bad.
"You better go and tell her you're sorry. before she does something stupid." Mick suggested.
"Fine" I said like I didn't care, but I really did. I felt so bad, what have I done. I walked outside of her bedroom where I heard crying and sniffling. I knocked on her door.
"Becky?" I whispered. I opened the door and she was under her quilt, back facing the door. I can't believe I spent a whole year helping her recover from her attempted suicide and just wrecked her confidence.
"I'm sorry" she breathed through her crying. I laid next to her on her bed and cuddled her.
"Don't be sorry, darling. I shouldn't of ignored you. my daughter." I whispered. becky rolled over and faced me. her red eyes and tear covered face looked at me.
"I'm so sorry darling" I said and stroked her cheek.
"Don't be sorry, mum. I should've told you" she sniffed. a tear escaped my eye.
"Love you mum, so much" she said and hugged me.
"Darling, I love you too"

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