Not the same.

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The day after they left, I didn't feel the same with out them, I felt unsafe and scared.. it didn't feel right. for the next couple of weeks without them, I just sat in my room, praying for peace, no more harm just peace and a lovin mum and dad.
The loneliness times I spent in my bedroom instead of being at the carters I realised something.. There's no memories of my 'mum and dad' from when I was below the age of 3.. No memories and no pictures, no videos no evidence. I really hoped that they aren't actually my parents but I know that they are.
A couple of weeks later my parents surrounded me in the corner with knives.
"Why do you have to be so ugly, why do you have to be out child you monster" my dad screamed whiles holding the knife against my belly. He's done this before but not with a butchers knife, I was truly scared I couldn't say anything.
"You're so fat and ugly I wanted a boy not a girl now I'm stuck with you! I hate you! Why don't you just kill yourself you bitch" my mum yelled in my face whiles holding a pair of blunt scissors against my thigh, tearing my skin making me yelp.
They had crossed the line this time, I just want my carter family back, why can't I just have a normal, beautiful, acing family like them?
Then I got thinking.. I'm going to run away to where they live now!

I got packing the only clothes I have into a big rucksack, my phone, charger, a pair of shoes and some sweets for the train journey I decided I'm having tonight at 1:45 am.

Eastenders - An addition to the cartersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя