Early mornings

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I stayed up all night working out the members of the family in the carter family.
"So there's Shirley and buster who made dean and mick" I thought. who's dean? Is that the bloke that everyone's talking about? What's he done again? I don't know.
"Mick and Linda made Nancy, johnny and lee".
I'm so excited, I'm actually included in a big family!
I couldn't get to sleep, I had nightmares about my mum and dad so I went downstairs into the pub. It's 3:23 am. I switched in the lights and I turned around and I screamed but managed so hold most of it in. it was dean.
"Jesus Christ man, what are you doin in here dean? How did you get in?" I angrily stated.
"I thought that I might aswell use the spare key that I have to get myself a free pint" there was a moment of silence.
"And who are you?" Dean asked
"I'm becky jones, I used to live near Linda before they moved here"
When I sad Linda's name, he looked at the ground and sighed.
"Erm.. I'm staying here for a while, my mum and dad beat me up and I can't stand it anymore, are you okay by the way?" I asked
"Yeah I've gotten a lot on my mind"
Me and dean bonded and we talked until 7:30am.
He started to toug my shoulders and okay with my hair, he was drunk.
"Dean what are you doing"
"What's it look like"
"I don't like it dean! Stop!"
He started touching my leg and belly
"Dean stop now!"
"Shhh, you love it"
Just as I was about to stand up the door flung open
"What do you think you're doin in ere? Get out now!" Mick pushed him out of the pub door and I ran up to him and he cradled me and I cried.
"It's alright sweet 'art, it won't happen again I promise, you're safe here now" mick said
"Mick, why is everyone talking about dean? What's going in when I wasn't here mick?" I sniffed.
"Right, when L gets out of bed, we're gonna have a talk about what's happened. it's not nice but you need to know" he said
"Mick? Mick!?" I shouted but he just left and walked upstairs.
I walked upstairs to get changed and make myself look tidy.

Micks POV
Becky doesn't have a clue that she's just been 'bonding' with a rapist, a rapist that's raped my wife, he raped L and she doesn't have a single idea about it. becky is one of us now, if he's living with us, she's a carter now, she needs to be able to handle stuff like this.
Linda was still asleep in our bed.
"L baby, time to wake up, we need to talk to becky" I said. she stretched and groaned and rubbed her eyes and sat up. "morning mick" she said as she kissed me.
"Dean was downstairs in the pub"
"What?" Linda sat up in fury
"Nah nah L it's fine I sorted him out, it's just that he was talking to becky and he started touching her"
"Where is she? Is she okay? Mick?"
"Calm down baby, she's gone to get changed, I've told her we're going to ell her about what dean did to you okay?" I told her about everyhting.
"Okay, I'm gonna get changed now darlin" she said. we had a quick snog before I went.

Beckys POV
I waited in the living room to be given the news I knew nothing about.
"Hey bex, you're living with us now so you're our family now so we can tell each other anything" mick said as he walked through the door.
"We need to tell you something, it's sickening and awful but you need to know" Linda explained.
"What's going on?" I asked
"Dean raped me" Linda whispered as she looked at the floor with tears in her eyes. Mick had Linda in his arm and I was in his other arm. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Linda looked up at me, "bex, it's all over now, don't worry baby he's gone now" mick whispered as he stroked my hair and my tear away.
"So the baby-" "could be deans yes" Linda finished my sentence.
Linda stool up infront of me.
"Hug me, becky" Linda sobbed. I stood up and stopped my arms around her neck and embraced in a big hug and we both cried.
"C'mon girls, you're gonna make me cry now ain't ya" we all had a hug ten went down to the pub to open up.

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