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"Right, if I am, nothing will change. i will still live with mick and Linda and I will still see Shirley every Sunday" I said, getting annoyed that he called me his daughter.
"Why don't you call Shirley your mum?"
"Mick and linda, they adopted me"
"What? You call your brother dad?" He laughed.
"This isn't funny, phil. and if you are my dad, I won't call you it. I'm happy like this and if you want me to call you dad, I pray to god you're not." I scolded.
"You've got quite an attitude on you. But yeah whatever, I agree. you won't have to call me dad, but I want to spend one day every week with you atleast, you know like Shirley does." he suggested. I looked over at dad who was still staring at us.
"Yeah okay whatever, but promise me you won't tell anyone about this test? I can't risk it getting back to my parents. anyway, you might not be my dad, buster might be. like you said, it's 50 50." I said. he lent back in his chair and gave a deep chuckle.
"I promise and I doubt it'll be buster. Yeah, you've got the carter attitude; bad temper and sarcastic, but Youve also got a bit of Mitchell in ya, you've got my dealing mind becky. you know it." he said smugly and walked off. I took a deep breath and looked at dad and smiled. I walked over to the bar to go upstairs when dad stopped me.
"What's all this about, becky?" He asked.
"It's nothing really" I said, avoiding eye contact.
"You're not dealing are you?" He said and his voice raised louder.
"No!" I said annoyed. i thought for an excuse. "I-I was wondering if I could have a little job in the Albert, I asked him to ask Sharon. that's all" I said and he let me go.
I went upstairs and had a bath and went to bed.

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