A big family

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I grabbed mick by the shoulders.
"You swore down you won't tell Shirley, mick" I whispered. he looked at the floor and took my hands off his shoulders.
"She's your mum, becky. she needs to know."
"Well she's your mum aswell but I don't see you talking face to face to her. it's not about that anyway. you said you wouldn't. I can't trust anyone around here" I cried and ran upstairs.
"Becky" mick called for me. I felt really sick so I went into the toilet where I threw up.

Linda's POV
I was in mick and mines bedroom getting ready when I heard someone being sick in the bathroom.
"Who's in there?" I knocked.
"It's me" becky said, crying.
I opened the door and helped her.
"What's up sausage?" I gave a fake smile.
"Mick swore down he ain't gonna tell Shirley about what I did. but he told her and he doesn't even care"
"Come here, becky" she ran into my arms, crying.
"It wasn't mick who told her. it was me" I said.
"What?" She backed away, wiping her tears.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't want your mum to know". I was getting ready for becky to rip my head off but she didnt. for the first time in her life she was calm.
"Oh" she was speechless.
"I'm so sorry darling"
"Whatever. I don't care anyway." she walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where she fell asleep.

"Where's becky?" Mick came running in. I shushed him and pointed to a sleeping becky. mick sighed and fell onto stans chair, where his hands rubbed his face in distress.
"She's definately got the carter attitude; sarcastic and a bad temper." he laughed.
"She looks the spit of you mick, I'm suprised your not twins" I joked.
"That ain't possible, L. she's more than half my age."
"I was joking, babe. Stop worrying about everything and just calm down" I said, stroking his shoulders.
"I look the spit of you do I?" Becky woke up, laughing.
"Ain't that ugly am I?" she joked.
"Oi, stop it you" mick laughed. There was a moment of awkward silence until I spoke up.
"You need to tell us about this stuff in future, becky" I told her. She rubbed her eyes in frustration.
"Yeah yeah, I know. but you're not my mum, Linda."
"Alright stressy, get back to sl-"
"I love you like a mum and I will treat you as my child. if I didn't then I wouldn't care. You need to understand this" I said.
Becky sat there and looked out of the window.
"I do understand but I feel bad because I think of you as more of a mum than Shirley" she said.
"Look, becks. Shirley's an awful mum, she's never been there for us, you know that. It doesn't mean that no one loves you baby, because we do" mick said.
Becky looked at mick then me and smiled at the floor. "you've got a big family that care so much about you, you've get nancy, johnny, lee, oliver, shirley, me and mick" I said. "stan loved you" I added. There was silence of remembrance.
"Do you think he knew? Do you think he knew Shirley's my mum?"
Me and mick looked at each other and sighed.
"I don't know baby but I know that out of the little people he actually liked, you were one of them" mick whispered.

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