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I saw their smug faces walking through the doors. I wasn't so scared of them anymore because I know I'm safe here with my family, but there's always fear lerking inside.
"What's he doing here?" Mum asked dad.
"I don't know baby" he replied to her. Mum and dad looked at me in confusion as if to ask if I've invited them. I shook my head to show then I hadn't.
"What the hell are you doin in my pub?" Dad shouted and stormed towards them.
"Just thought we'd pay a visit to out daughter" Simon said to wind dad up.
"You know this is Shirley's daughter" dad said in his face. liam took his hand in my hand to make sure I was okay.
"Shirley handed her over to us. she's ours" Simon said quietly right in dad's face. the anger in dads face built up and he tried to think of something to say.
"And we adopted her. she's ours. my daughter now, not yours." he said and looked at them both in the eyes. Mum walked over to dad and hooked his arm with hers.
"Yeah, and she's mine aswell" mum said.
"So who are you then" Judie said as she circled them both.
"We're the carters" dad said. still stood in his straight posture. Judie stopped and turned to face them both.
"Aah, mick and Linda carter. I've heard lots about you two. b-but mick. Aren't you her brother?" Simon laughed.
"So? I'll be more of a dad than you'll ever be." he said and smirked at him.
"And you are.. I guess her mother then" Judie said sarcasticly to mum.
"Yeah. yeah I am. Got a problem with that?" Mum smiled. Judies smug face suddenly dropped off and became more serious. she walked closer to mum. I was scared incase she did something to her. I stood up and shouted.
"Why don't you just leave, who do you think you are coming in like you own the place? Urgh you're both such attention seekers" I shouted, walking towards Judie.
"We're the attention seekers? Says the one who self harmed and tried to kill herself" she laughed. I instantly slapped her hard across the face. it was that hard that it even hurt my hand, but it was so worth it. I felt like I was finally free. she held ther side of her face where I hit her and she slowly turned her heard towards me again.
"tables have turned... Judie" I whispered.
"How dare yo-"
"I think you will be leaving now" dad interrupted her as he pushed them both out.
"This isn't the last you'll hear of us" Judie shouted as she still held her cheek. Mum and dad turned around to face me.
"You okay?" Liam said as he hugged me. I nodded and kissed him.
"Well done babe, really showed her who's boss" dad laughed an hugged me.
"Why aren't you happy darling?" Mum asked.
"Didn't you hear them? They're coming back"

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