Chapter 1- Coming by

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You were walking back home from school. You had a pretty rough day today at school though. Your best friend got sick today so she didn't go to school,you forgot your assignment at home and therefore you got a bad grade. You knew pretty well your mom would get mad for sure. During lunch time,one of your friends though it would be a good idea to start a food fight and made you get hit my a spaghetti meatball. You were pretty pissed off,and they knew it too.Then there's gym which everyone had to run extra laps and more sit ups. Last but not least,in history class you fell asleep and woke up with a detention slip on your desk.

Splendid day.

You chuckled at yourself to atleast cheer you up. You didn't really live that far from your school,just a few blocks away. While you were walking home,you put on your earphones and take your phone out and put "Face Down" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. You hummed yourself all the walk home. As you reached to grab the handle,you see a note. Curious,you take the note.

'Hey Y/N , I'm going to be gone for a while. I'm working late tonight. There's food in teh refrigerator and dinners in the oven. Make sure you lock yourself in,the keys are on the plan on your left. Be safe honey.

"Working late again,uh?" you sighed at yourself. Oh well,you got the keys and opened the door. Walking in,you run upstairs to your room. You changed your clothes to a (f/c) plain shirt and some black sweat pants. Heading downstairs,you sit down on the couch and turn on TV.

'Numerous murders have been going on in (Your hometown). 3 people were found dead last night on the streets. 2 adults were found dead in their own house this morning. Over the past months,their has been no sigh of the killer. Each of the victims have been written "Go to sleep" on the walls with their own blood. It is recommended that you stay home at night. Lock your doors and Windows. Don't go out after midnight. And please remember to stay safe.'

You changed the channel. "Mom" you said to yourself. Oh no. You started getting worried for your mother. What if she bumps into the killer? What if the killer follows her home? Or worst. What if the killer kills her? Your eyes widen in though of all these questions. "No" you said. "My mom is a strong woman. She wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on her.",you sighed as you sat up and went over to the kitchen to get yourself a snack. 'She can take care of herself...right?'


You walked out of the bathroom,refreshed and clean. You had put on your gray shirt along with a pair of black shorts on. As you walked downstairs to the door and locked it, you heard a sound coming from the window. You creeped over sneakly,making sure you weren't getting seen. You perked up and saw something in the bushes. "What the...",suddenly a cat comes out of the bushes. You rolled yours eyes 'Stupid cat.',making sure you locked the back and front door,all the windows,you walked upstairs.

Opening your door,you hopped on your bed and snuggled inside your (f/c) sheets. 'What a day' you though to yourself. You slowly made your way into deep sleep.




'What the hell?'

Step after step.

'Are those steps?'


'Its definitely not mom' you though to yourself. 'Im sure I locked all the doors and Windows!'


'Wait a second... Did I forget to lock my--- Sh*t! I did!'

Slowly gets close to her sleeping form and hopes on the bed,getting ontop of her body.

'What the actual f#ck?! What do I do?!' you thought to yourself. You needed to think and quick. As the person got closer and closer,you felt a chill go up your spine. Your heart tensed up more and more each second until you heard a raspy male voice 'Go to sleep~'

You gasped at yourself. Oh dear no.

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now