A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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A U T H O R ' S N O T E

It's been a long time...

About the story, I'm planning to shorten the Grand Magic Games. I'll cut off the other parts and just make up my own. So that it would be easier for me. And so that you could enjoy my story first.

Ayokong pinapabitin ang mga readers ko :)) Nakakaawa naman kayo eh.✌

But my updates might be slow. Since, school has started already. But if you want it long, you must wait.... again.

Thank you for the votes!! It's actually surprising for me to see 500+ votes.

That's many... can't wait to see it turn to 1k. Hehe jk!!

~Ms. Author~

I am Strong: Revenge of Lucy HeartfiliaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon