Chapter 5: Fifth Day

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Chapter 5: Four Days

At the Celestial Spirit World.....

I had spent my first four days of training here in the Celestial Spirit World. I know I was supposed to train in my kingdom. But I liked it here more. And I know that I should've been here only for two days, just like what I said to the Bearded King.

I wonder what's going on back home? I send the letter to Mirajane by giving it to Loke. I hope they recieved it. I even argued with Loke before handing him the letter.

"Himme, it's time." Virgo said.

Today is the day that I'm going to the so-called-my-kingdom.

"Every Celestial Spirit Wizard have their own kingdom and secrets to know." Those words of Beardy suddenly echoed in my mind. Hai! Arrigato!

I entered the portal with Virgo. I was scared to enter the world of Dragons, as a flash made my eyes shut.

"Open your eyes, himme." Virgo said.

I slowly opened my eyes, and started looking aroumd. We were standing on a floating island. There were dragons flying everywhere.



"Remember when the King told you that you are the Princess of all Dragons?"

"Yes, why?"

"You are just the Wizard-in-charge of this dragons, but in some way. You must be called a Princess and treated like one." She said.

"So I'm not really a Princess?" I said in a low-tone.

"Sorry to upset you, himme. But you are still my himme--"

"Are you kidding me?! I love it not to be a Princess!" I said loudly.

I caught everyone's attention. Oh-no! Are you gonna kill me for being so loud? Please don't! I still have some business to take care of! I still need to have my revenge on Natsu and the others.

A red dragon approached me first. It landed right infront of me and Virgo. I hid behind her, shaking in fear.

"Himme." He called calmly. Virgo stepped out and dissapeared and I was exposed.

"Himme." He called once again.

"Himme, Welcome to the World of Dragons!" He said, with a loud voice. Every Dragon started to roar.

I plugged my fingers in my ears, making them stop.

"Wh-who are y-you?" I asked, shaking in fear.

"I am Igneel, your trainer from now on." I gulped, as he slowly puts his face near me. It's huge! I stepped a little back, making him stop. He looked at me, slowly moving his eyes to my body. What the??

"H-hey, quit that!" I said while I accidentaly spanked him in the face. It had no effect on him, but he stood in his normal position.

Is he mad? I hope not.

He roared as loud as all the dragons.

"G-gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai!" I said while bowing over and over.

Until, the load roar that was heard a while ago, turned into a crazy loud scary laugh.

I looked up, seeing everyone laughing. What the heck is their problem? First they roar very load. Next they make fun of me?

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