Chapter 39

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The water tastes cold and refreshing as I lap it up from the fountain. I'm thirsty today, and I don't know why. All morning long I thought about Aiden and what I've done to him. That awful look he gave me when he read that note I gave him in Algebra. It destroyed me inside. Hurting someone you love crushes your spirit, and it hurts worse than silver. I didn't want to get up this morning. I wanted my family to leave town today and make the break quick and clean, because if I'm going to be depressed, I'd rather be miles away from anything that will remind me of Aiden.

Is that? I catch his scent. Strong. Masculine. My body heats up again as it acts on old stimuli. I must be dreaming. I've been thinking about Aiden so much my brain is planting false sensations. But my eyes catch the real Aiden standing nearby, watching me.

I shoot up like a scared fawn. His eyes give me a once-over from head-to-toe. Those eyes want to touch me again, and the wolf wants him to. She wants to bury caution in the nearest hole and risk the danger. Who cares if I hurt Aiden, he wants me and I want him. So what if the wolf hurts him? Aiden knows what I am. He knows the danger involved. He's brave. He'll risk dying if it means being with me forever. The wolf loves this idea. A human risking their own life to be with a werewolf. A real mate would do that. One worthy of a girl-wolf's love and admiration.

But the human in me won't allow it. It's too selfish, putting someone I love in danger to satisfy my own wants. That's not real love. It's self-satisfaction on a dangerous scale. I know how delicate that balance between girl and wolf is, and because of that, I'm not playing chicken with Aiden's life. I love him too much to ever do that to him.

So I turn away from Aiden as he stares. I make my shoes move, forcing them to go against my heart. I move away from him while still trying to convince myself I'm doing the right thing. The longer I keep myself apart from him, the more Aiden will get over me.

But doing this for five more days will kill me.

Aiden eats alone at lunch. I stand far away, on the other side of the cafeteria, and lean against the wall, sucking on a plastic bottle of water because I have no appetite. Some guys say hi to me, and one even tries to hit on me. Most of them think I'm acting like a diva because I'm ignoring them. I play along. What's the point anyway? In a few days they'll forget all about me and concentrate on some other girl. Another girl who can enjoy her senior year. Hopefully that girl will make lots of friends and have a wonderful time. Maybe she'll find a boy and fall in love. Or focus on school and go to college and become the awesome woman she wants to be.

I wonder if I'll ever get a senior year somewhere else. I bet after the failure of this little "experiment" Dad and Mom will keep me away from human schools. I'll either get a GED or maybe get lucky and find another werewolf pack with kids my age. Still, human school isn't that bad.

Pamela Osterhaus slithers over to Aiden's table. She pours too much dressing on her salad as the girl makes herself right at home beside my boyfriend. I should say ex-boyfriend. Pamela talks, and Aiden listens. Her hand touches his knee. I don't believe her. The second Pamela finds out that I'm out of the picture, she's now Aiden's best friend. Which is convenient since her other boyfriend's in the hospital.

Her hand touches his arm. Look at her! I don't care what that girl says, she still likes Aiden. Pamela angles her body towards him, her legs crossed, her foot twirling around in the air. She's having a great time with my ex-boy. Oh, I so want to...

Bree, stop it. This is good. Aiden needs someone to love when you're gone.

But her? Not her! Not the girl that broke his heart and then laughed at him. She totally doesn't deserve him.

I do.

Bree, it's over. Stop hurting yourself over this. Let him go.

A drop tickles my cheek as a tear slides down. I race through the cafeteria, not even hiding how fast I'm moving. I shoot out the doors and sprint to my car, unlock the door, and park myself in the back leather seat. I let the tears fall without hesitation and squeeze Rocky and Bullwinkle tight, like they're both safety cables keeping me from falling over the abyss. I cry for a while, trying to get it all out of my system before fifth hour. I'm so dreading fifth hour.

Mr. Strickland gives us a surprise quiz, and I'm so glad. This will keep my attention on the quiz and not on Aiden. The quiz itself is easy, and I surprise myself by how quickly I get it done. I turn it in and actually feel good about it. It's amazing how much Aiden has helped me in algebra. Math was so puzzling to me, and without him I would...why did I have to bring up Aiden again?

As if on cue, he glances up as I walk back to my seat. His eyes linger, and it kills me all over again. I sit down and hold my stomach and rest my head on the cold desk. I'm feeling sick to my stomach, a result of all this stressing out and the fact that I haven't eaten anything in, like, twelve hours. Aiden's scent floods my nose, making it difficult to shut him out. Five more days of this? I'll have to talk to Dad. There's no way.

The final bell rings, but I stay upstairs and spy through the big glass window at the end of one of the hallways. Kids emerge from the main doors below and head for the busses and parking lots. It seems to take him forever, but I finally see Aiden make his way outside. His head droops as all that confidence he showed around me is gone. The boy who felt like a mountain when the kids called him Bruce Wayne has now run off, and it's all my fault.

Aiden drives off in Issy's car, and I take a deep breath. I can go to my locker now.

I bounce down the stairs and swing around the corner into the hallway. The afternoon sun pokes through the glass on the outer doors and casts a shine on the floor. I squint a little. Werewolf eyes are super at night, but during the day I could use a good pair of shades. I spin my locker combination and open the metal door. Aiden's scent hits me in the face, and I freeze.

A folded note lies on top of my books. It has my name written in Aiden's handwriting.

My heart jumps. Why is he leaving me a note?

Before I can read it, a shadow blocks the sunlight and pulls my eyes to the outer doors. That shadow is a man who stands very still. He wears all-black, and I see something glistening on his belt.

A silver knife.

The man gives off no scent, which is totally weird. I should be smelling him. Why can't I...

My backpack drops to the floor. The wolf senses danger, and she backs me away from the doors. That's not a man. It's not even human. It's one of them. It has to be.

Its cold, black eyes lock on to my face. The target.

I have to run as fast as I can, or I will get—

The glass shatters as the Demon Skin flies through the door and into the school.


Let me know what you think! Look for the rest of My Girlfriend Bites to be posted next week. Better hurry and read it because I'll be taking this off Wattpad in August! Thank you for reading, adding comments, and voting! It means a lot.

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