Chapter 34

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I pedal as hard as I can out of the Drug Stop parking lot and up the long hill. There's no way I'm going to make it back home in time to stop Bree. I could call Dad, but what do I say to him? Get out of the house because my girlfriend wants to kill you? Or do I tell him Bree is a werewolf coming to rip him to shreds? Dad would laugh and hang up. Do I call the cops? They wouldn't be there in time.

I try to call Bree. If she picks up, I might be able to talk her down.

But she doesn't answer. I make a quick plea on her voice mail and beg her to call me back before she does anything.

My phone then chirps. Is that Bree?

No. It's Issy.

Couple blks away. Got ya a choc shake if u want me 2 drop it by.

A couple blocks away from my house?

I call Issy.

"A-man, how you feeling?"

"Listen to me. Bree is rushing over to my house right now to kill my dad." I pause, barely able to breathe and get the words out. "You have to get him out of the house, like, right now."

"What did you say?" Issy asks. Too much info, I guess.

"Dude, Bree is pissed and going to my house to kill my dad. I'm not home, and I can't get there fast enough. You have to get my dad out of there, Issy. I'm being serious as hell."

"Why is she going to kill your dad?"

"Zero time to explain. Get to my house as fast as you can. Make up any excuse, but get my dad out of there."

"Damn, you're being serious."

"I can't stress how much," I say.

"I'm pulling up to your house now."

"Do you see Bree's car?"

"Not yet."

Thank God.

"Please save him, Issy."

"I'm on it. Pamela's with me, and we'll make sure he leaves with us. I'll call ya back."

The line goes dead. My heart beats slower, but it's still on edge. I have to get home.

It takes forever to reach the first turn into my subdivision. I pedal down to the third right, and lean in hard for the turn. My bike flies as fast as I can push it. I put my back into it, breathing hard, wiping the sweat dripping into my eyes.

I finally get to my street. No sign of Bree's car, but Issy's Jetta is parked on the driveway. Did he not get my dad out? What's he waiting for? I jump the curb and let the bike fall on the grass as I run into the house.

The living room is a mess.

The coffee table is busted, some of the furniture ripped with claw marks...

Bree did make it here.

"Aiden!" a girl's voice calls out.

Pamela kneels on the floor, cupping Issy's head in her lap. My friend's body is stained with blood. His eyes flutter in and out of consciousness. I run over to them.

"I called 911, and they're on the way," Pamela says in between sobs.

"Issy? Can you hear me?" I ask.

He swallows and coughs. "Yeah. I...hear ya." He sounds so weak.

"Stay with us, okay? The EMTs should be here any second."

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now