Chapter 20

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The woods reek of animals as I dash through the trees using my four powerful legs, the glowing moon fueling my desire to run and hunt. On my back, Aiden grips a handful of fur and hangs on. I told him to yell if I went too fast or if he got too scared, but the boy holds on tight and doesn't complain as I race through the bushes and trees. I've never hunted with an audience before, but the prideful wolf in me likes all this extra attention.

I dip under one tree, and the branch smacks Aiden in the face.

Oh, I'm sorry, Aiden. Wish I could talk.

Wait. Is that a deer?

The strong scent slows me down to a trot.

Yes, it's a male, and he's close by. Smells like my late-night snack.

"Do you smell something?" Aiden asks in his loud human voice. The one I told him not to use.

I growl.

"My bad," he whispers. "I won't bother you."

Dude, I told you to whisper. I didn't say you couldn't talk. Communicating as a wolf can be so frustrating.

"Is it a bunny?" he asks, using his quiet voice this time.

"Really, Aiden? Why are you asking me questions when I can only grunt, growl, or whimper?

I ignore him as I approach my prey and go into stealth mode, picking each step carefully. Like my paws are big marshmallows. Soft and quiet.

Breaking one twig.

Crunching one pecan nut...

Is like blasting a loud speaker at a deer.

Aiden's breath strokes my fur. He's breathing faster, the anticipation causing his pulse to race like mine. It's like we're both sharing the same adrenaline. The same thrill for the hunt. He grips my fur tighter as he waits for me to attack.

This is so awesome!

I see the deer, and he's a big one. Fifteen points on those antlers. I'll have to go straight for his neck and snap it before he has a chance to gore me with that pointy head gear of his. But with Aiden clinging to my back, that might be tricky. I don't want Aiden to get speared, so I'll put myself in the way if the deer charges. I can take an antler in the stomach with no problem. Unlike a human.

I sneak a few more steps towards the deer. The dark shadow of the pecan tree shields my whereabouts, but he should smell me soon, so I can't hang back like this forever. I tense my muscles and prepare them like a runner waiting for the starter pistol. I cock my body back, ready to throw it at my target. My animal instincts take over. Waiting for just the right moment. That tenth of a second...

To attack my prey...

And take it down.

"Should I get off?"

Aiden whispers his question, but it's too late. The deer sprints. Piss on the sun!

I leap after it, pushing myself as fast as I can go. Dodging left. Dodging right. This buck is fast, but I can take him. I grit my teeth and push harder.

The deer sprints into a narrow gully. I throw myself into the air and land on the other side of the gully to cut him off from scampering out. The deer bolts along the length of the deep bottom. I give chase by running along the top so he can't leap out without me getting a piece of him.

The deer races towards the end of the gully. He'll have to jump out or stop at the bottom, but I don't wait for him to choose. I go with my instinct and leap over the gully.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang