Chapter 22

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Issy becomes way too excited when I ask him to load up Death and Valor 4 on his GameMaster because I want to play this game that he and Aiden seem so obsessed over. We slip into Issy's room, and Aiden quietly shuts the door.

As Issy boots up his GameMaster, my wolf ears follow his mom's footsteps. I want to make sure she's nowhere near her son's bedroom. Dishes clang, and water pours into the sink. Sounds like she's in the kitchen. Good. This conversation needs to be private. Issy loads the game and hands me a machine-gun shaped controller that provides "realism," according to him. He explains the start of the game and what to expect on the first level, and that's when I stop him.

"Can I trust you?"

"Totally," Issy says. "We'll be playing on a team, and I won't let you get lost or surrounded. Right, Aiden? Am I a good squad leader or what?"

"I'm not talking about the game."

"Oh." Issy squints. "I'm not following."

"Bree needs to tell you something," Aiden says. "A secret."

"A huge secret," I add.His eyebrows lift. "A huge secret? This sounds good." He puts down the controller."So...the parking lot today," I begin. "You asked me how I threw those boys."Issy nods."All right. You might think this is...totally out-there. But I swear it's the truth. For real. No faking. The most honest I could ever be with you." I take in a deep breath. Here we go. "I'm a werewolf."

Issy blinks.

"My family moved here a few months ago after my pack was attacked and murdered. My family is hiding out from our enemies, and that video you uploaded could lead them straight to us. And if they find me and my family, they'll kill us. They will not stop chasing us until we are all dead."

Issy takes another moment. And laughs. "That's the most insane thing I've ever heard. You actually think you're a werewolf?"

"I've seen her change into one," Aiden says.

Issy shakes his head. "You two are messing with me. Are you serious? Nah, I think you're both messing with me."

"Could a normal human girl my size do those things you saw in the parking lot?"

Issy frowns, thinks, checks me, checks Aiden. Checks me again. "No."

"Then how do you explain it?"

Issy shifts a little on his bed, checks me out one more time. He's still not sure.

"Maybe you should change in front of him," Aiden says.

"No way! Not here. Not with his mom walking around," I say.

"Hold on. You want to change into a werewolf, here? In my bedroom?" Issy asks.

"I can't. It's too dangerous."

"He's not going to believe you unless you show him," Aiden says.

" you're telling me that this girl...the one standing a werewolf? And you've seen this?"Aiden smiles and nods."And, can change into a werewolf like right now? Don't have to wait for a full moon?"

"I could, yeah," I say.

Issy crosses his arms. "Do it."

My ears search for Issy's mom. She moves around the house, going in and out of rooms. My instinct says this is way too dangerous. But Issy won't believe me if I don't do it. Piss on the sun. I have to get that video off YouTube.

"Turn around," I say.

"Why?" Issy asks.

"I have to take off my clothes."

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now