Chapter 19

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I hate this movie. It's so dark and depressing. Why do humans torture themselves watching characters who see life as this dismal hole that leads nowhere? I don't get it. They live so inside their heads. They never stop and take a look around to see how beautiful the world is. They never live in the moment. All they do is treat life like this huge burden they have to carry instead of the awesome gift it really is. It makes me so sad. But Aiden wanted to see this dark movie about a French circus clown who's sad and hates his life. The English subtitles drive me crazy. I read books not movies.

Aiden chomps on his popcorn while I snack on some beef jerky that I hid in my purse. But we do share a grape soda together, and so far that's been the highlight of our movie night. The clown on the screen walks across a winter wasteland. Snow falling against smoke-colored skies. He's sad again. Boo-hoo. Who gets sad playing with little kids? They're jumping and running and playing and laughing like super-cute baby wolves. I don't get this clown.

I concentrate on the snow instead. The beautiful snow. Little frosty pieces of heaven that remind me of Colorado and the mountains and the home I had to leave.

And then the nightmare rushes over me. Dawn's long, red hair blowing in the wind. My best friend's laugh. The crack of the gun that killed her.

I shake off the image, and a yawn takes over my mouth, but I close it as quick as I can.

"You hate this movie, don't you," Aiden whispers.

He caught me.

"I don't hate it," I whisper, "but I don't like it all that well."

"I'm sorry."

"Why? Like, you didn't make the movie."

"Still." Aiden checks the aisle. "We're blocked in on both sides, so it would be kind of awkward to try and leave now. Can you wait until the end?"

"Sure." I can't hold back a sigh.

Aiden nods and steps back into movie world. I watch his green eyes follow the screen as his mind sinks back into the movie. Wish I could share this experience with him, but I rest against his warm chest instead and settle in for a tiny nap.

The movie gets quieter now...the wail of the wind and the sound of the clown kicking up snow as he walks. You could hear a feather drop. Wouldn't it be hilarious if someone shrieked and made the audience jump? An idea forms. An idea that would be an awesome way to clear a crowded theater and get me out of this depressing movie.

I snuggle up to Aiden's ear. "I'm going to do something. Don't freak out when I do it, okay?"

"What something are we talking about?" Aiden asks, looking worried.

"Something hilarious." I pat him on the cheek and sit back in my chair. I cup my hand around my lips, breathe in really deep, and then...I wail.

The blaring sound cracks against all four walls of the theater and fills the room with the best howl I've done in like forever. Popcorn flies in the air as people jump to their feet and scatter for the exits. Girls scream. People start freaking out and climbing over rows of seats to get away. It's like someone hit a switch and put a gazillion bolts of electricity through all of them.

I stuff a wad of paper napkins in my mouth to muffle my laughing. Aiden's eyes are huge. He can't believe what I did, but he's also grinning, too, because it's hilarious. We both lean against each other, trying to hide our guilty faces from the handful of people still in the theater trying to figure out if the howl came from the movie or if there's something furry running loose around them.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang