Chapter 14

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What is Bree up to? I'm still nervous because I don't know what in the hell is about to happen. But I have to make sure I don't freak out when she shows me...whatever it is she wants to show me. Bree has gone crazy. That would answer a lot of things. My early idea that she's a wolf is too insane. It's obvious that Bree thinks she's some kind of animal, but that must be a sign of mental illness. Okay. If I want to be her real friend, I should tell someone that my new girlfriend needs to see a psychiatrist.

Bree guides me through the grove of trees and down this path that twists inside the park. We pass two empty basketball courts shining from a quad of lights above. We pass a playground full of swings and slides.

Bree squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. Okay. I need to act confident and support my girlfriend. I won't laugh at her or make fun of her. I'll keep telling myself that she's a girl who needs help and I want to help her. So in response to Bree's smile, I squeeze her hand.

The girl's face lights up, and she pulls me along as our stroll turns into a run.

I'm panting when we reach a lighted picnic area with four metal tables and a public grill with pieces of used charcoal caked inside. This area of the park is pitch-black, making the lighted picnic area stand out like an island in a sea of dark.

Bree releases my hand, leaps up on a table like a gymnast, and then swivels around to face me. All with perfect balance and grace. "Grab a seat."

I hesitate.

Bree jumps off the table and holds my hands. "Don't freak out. No matter what happens, always remember...I will never hurt you, Aiden. I so promise that."

No matter what happens? But what is going to happen? And why do I have to worry about getting hurt?

Those words don't help.

"Everything will be fine," Bree purrs, her voice soothing. "Now grab a seat."

I sit and place my hands across the cold, iron top of the picnic table so I can steady them.

Bree hops up on another table and hesitates. "Could you like, turn around?"

I spin myself around and face the darkness surrounding us. I hear a zipper going down. Is she taking off her dress? I peek over my shoulder just as Bree steps out of her dress. She wears only a pink bra and panties. Amazing. This night has officially become the best of my life. Bree stands there a moment, hesitating. Her lines are so soft and curvy. I can see all her muscles clearly now. Bree is so gorgeous.

"Hey!" she yells. "No peeking."

I watch the darkness again. "I thought I heard you call my name."

"Yeah, right."

I hear more clothes sliding off her body. Suddenly the entire world seems to be trying to pull my chin to the side so I can look, but I resist. I will not destroy this fantastic event that's happening to me of all people. My first date with a girl and she takes off all her clothes. Issy will freak when I tell him, if he even believes me. I should take a picture. I hold my phone over my shoulder without looking.

"Aiden!" Her voice booms like deep, rolling thunder.

I almost drop my phone. What's with her voice? I slip my phone in a pocket and hear this low, deep groan. Is that Bree?

A bone cracks. What? That sounds bad. I twist to look.

Bree crouches naked on top of the table. Her eyes closed. Her face tense. More bones twist and crack as her skin moves. Her body convulses. Oh, crap. Bree's having a seizure. I need to call 911, right? What's wrong with her?


"This is...normal." Her voice sounds deep and hoarse. "Be a minute. Don't freak out."

Don't freak out? All I'm doing is freaking out!

Gray fur pushes up through her skin, sprouting all over her back. Her arms. Her legs. Her jaw slides forward as large, sharp teeth puncture her gums and set themselves into place.

I'm standing, my cowardly legs not even asking for permission.

Bree's nose forms a snout. Her hands grow into paws, and her fingers form into razor-sharp claws. Wolf-like ears rise from her head. The gray fur grows thick and covers her completely. A low, final growl escapes from the creature's mouth. The thing looks like a wolf.'s like half-wolf and half-monster.

I notice my hands quivering like jelly, and my legs have taken this opportunity to move away from the picnic area.

The creature sprawls across the table, its body covering the entire thing. Its jagged teeth shine. Its amber eyes watch every move I make.

I take a few backward steps.

The creature whimpers.

I move further away from it.

The monster hops off the table, and I run.

My legs pump harder and harder as I race down the path as fast as I can go. I'm not looking behind me. When a victim does that in a horror film, they fall down and get killed. Screw that. I keep my eyes forward and fly past the basketball courts.

A distant whimper calls out behind me.

I don't stop.

I plow through the grove of trees. Leaves smack my face and clothes. My toe catches something on the ground, and I stumble forward, but I keep my balance and use the awkward momentum to push myself ahead. It's so dark in here. I hope I'm fleeing in the right direction.

Sharp animal cries bounce around the trees. The monster must be chasing after me.

I clear the grove of trees. There's the parking lot. The Dodge pickup waits. I unlock the driver's door to my life-boat and tumble inside, slamming the door closed. My chest pounds as I struggle to breathe.

The truck bounces. Something's on the hood.

The monster glares through the windshield, its teeth wanting to rip me into shreds. That face looks horrible, more vicious than a dog or even a wolf. It's like a mash-up of an animal with Satan.

I lock the doors and try to calm down. Okay. The girl from my Algebra class is a demon. Oh my God. I sat inches away from that in Algebra! I wanted to touch its hair. I wanted to...kiss that thing!

The creature jumps off the hood and crawls up to the driver's side. I move away from the door as the monster paws at the window, its sharp claws tapping the glass, and it whimpers.

"Go away," I yell. "Leave me alone."

It growls and shows its teeth.

I have to get out of here. I fire up the truck and shove it into reverse.

A howl makes me turn around. The creature stands behind the truck, trying to block me in.

Like hell you will. I stomp on the gas. The truck squeals backwards, making the creature leap out of the way. I race the truck out of the park in full reverse. I don't even bother to turn around until I hit the first traffic light. Then I do a U-turn and speed off to my house.

I bounce the truck into my driveway. Run into my house. Lock the front door. Rush inside my room. Shove that shredded-cloth sofa I have against the door. Not good enough. I drag my desk over. Pin one end against the sofa and the other end against my bed, creating a brace. I dig out my baseball bat and sit on the edge of my bed.

For the rest of the night, I listen for noises.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now