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More people to thank this time around. And that's a good thing.

This book was a struggle to complete with numerous drafts at different times and in-between different projects. I almost deleted the novel a few times out of frustration because I didn't know how to fix the middle which was not working at the time. But Aiden and Bree stuck with me and refused to die. Big thanks to my friend Joe Kinkade, for convincing me not to delete the manuscript.

Jules Howe, LM Preston, Laura Benedict, and Kate Tilton, for being excellent beta readers. They were my story editors and made great suggestions on improving the book. Thank you.

Sylwia Malon, for her eye-catching artwork. Once I saw this picture of a girl's hair forming a wolf's head, I knew this was the image for my cover. Ms. Malon graciously let me buy the rights to use her art for the book cover. 

Travis Pennington, for doing another fantastic job designing and doing the layout for the book cover and jacket.

Kate Tilton, again for all her support and marketing advice. Kate rocks to the second power.

Editor Pauline Nolet, for doing a great final proofread of the manuscript.

All the spectacular young adult book bloggers who hosted the cover reveal, blog tour, and those who reviewed or will review this book. Their enthusiastic support for young adult literature amazes me.

Max Adams, for her continued support and for making me a better writer. Check out her writing classes.

And for their support...Nancy Bilyeau. Pamela DuMond. Sonia Gensler. Karen Larsen. Christie LeBlanc. C.K. Kelly Martin. Anna Myers. Helen Newton. Cheryl Rainford. Courtney Summers. Amy Tipton. Angela Townsend. The Oklahoma chapter of SCBWI. All my friends from the Academy of Film Writing. All my friends and family. And anyone else I might have forgotten.

And another big thanks to my dad, Don Solter, for putting up with all my writing shenanigans.

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