Chapter 23

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As instructed by Principal Echohawk, Aiden shuts the polished-wood door that seals our fate inside the office. There's no place to sit, so we're forced to stand to the side. This is it. I'm so dead. Mr. Echohawk will ask me all kinds of questions I can't give him good answers to, and he won't be satisfied, and so he'll dig deeper into my past. Where did I live before coming here? Who did I live with? What exactly are you?

Piss on the sun. What if Mr. Echohawk contacts the police? Their investigation would be more intense and would complicate things by tossing suspicion on my parents. Who are they, and where did they come from? Where did my father get all that money we have? Dad can't tell them it came from a Colorado werewolf pack investment portfolio. That would go over big.

"Miss Mayflower?"

Principal Echohawk waits for me to address him. "These young men tell me that yesterday after jumped them in the parking lot. Is this true?"

Jumped them? What a bunch of vampires. I gave them the weregirl butt-kicking they were asking for. But I have to lie, of course. Always protect the pack.

"No, I only watched."

"She's lying," Kirk says before grimacing as his neck tilts. "She jumped us from behind and did some crazy karate shit—"

"Language," Echohawk interrupts.

"Karate...stuff to beat us up for no reason at all."

"You've been bullying us all year," Aiden says. "You even threatened to beat me up."

"Is that true?" Echohawk asks Kirk.

"I haven't touched the guy. Maybe I told him to go f—"


"Yeah...maybe I told him to go pleasure himself after school. Sure. But I didn't threaten to beat him up."

"Now you're lying," Aiden says.

Kirk throws out another F-bomb.

Echohawk glares. "Keep swearing, and I'll be adding detention days on top of whatever else I decide to throw at you."

Kirk folds his arms across his chest and pouts.

Echohawk waits for the room to settle. "I took the liberty of pulling video footage from the school security cameras located in the parking lot."

Security cameras? Oh no. No. No. No. There's more video of me? I hate this stupid age of technology.

On his face, Aiden has the same worry I do. The principal knows the truth, and I'm doomed. My body revs up to full panic mode as a knot forms in my stomach. It's a strange sensation that I don't get too often. The last time was that day in the compound when the Demon Skins attacked. It's fear. Real fear. Suddenly I'm a deer caught in the cross-hairs of my killer.

Echohawk loads up a video file on his laptop and swivels the screen around so we all can see and hits play. "The video clearly shows Aiden getting jumped by you three." Echohawk levels his finger at Kirk, Mooney, and Jack.

The security video fills the screen. A digital clock records minutes and seconds in the right bottom corner. The small lettering on top identifies it as Student Parking Lot NE Corner. There's Aiden in one corner of the video. Kirk, Mooney, and Jack run into frame and attack him. My blood boils all over again as the boys punch and kick Aiden while he's helpless on the ground. I feel every hit his body takes, as if it was directed at my own stomach. A dark-skinned boy appears in frame. That must be Issy.

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