Chapter 5

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“Cave Girl drives that black ‘67 Oldsmobile?" Issy’s mouth drops open like the spout on those little milk cartons we had in kindergarten.

Our bus creaks and groans while making another turn. The morning sun slaps my eyes, so I blink and look away. “And I saw three numbers next to the name. 442. What do those numbers mean?”

“Her car is a 442?”

“Yeah. What the hell is a 442?”

“It means four-barrel carburetor, four-speed transmission, and two exhausts. Only the best muscle car Oldsmobile ever made. I’ll look up the specs and send them to you. What else happened? Did you make a move?”

“On Cave Girl? No. Should I have?”

“She’s crazy, but she’s still a girl. What do you have to lose?”

“I tried that theory once, remember?”

“That was Pamela Osterhaus. She’s not a normal girl,” Issy says.

The pain kicks my chest as Pamela’s laugh echoes in my brain.

“Can we drop Pamela?”

“Done. Gonna ask Cave Girl out?”

“I don’t think she likes me,” I say.

“Then why did she give you a ride after she said no the first time? She felt sorry for you. I’m telling you, pity is a great in.”

“A great in?”

“A great excuse for a girl to hang with you.”

“Could we think of another way that doesn’t make me sound like a total failure?” I ask.

“Look, she trusted you enough to be inside her car. Trust is a big thing for a girl. I think you have a shot.” Issy pauses. “Be straight. Did this girl give you a seriously stiff pencil?”

I’m not telling Issy that.

“She did! Look at that face of yours.”

I shake my head, but I can’t hide the smile.

We all stream off the bus like refugees, hiking across the loading zone toward our beloved school waiting to embrace us within its loving walls.

Someone shoves me to the pavement hard. The rough concrete scrapes my skin, and now my hands are sore.

“What’s up, Blow Jay?”

My stomach churns out more acid. It’s Kirk. Is today the day?

Issy touches his sling and keeps walking. I don’t blame him. Guess I’m on my own.

“You made me wait in the rain, douche bag. I don’t like waiting in the rain for little punk-asses like you.”

I watch the crack in the sidewalk.

“Ready for your ass-kicking now?”

I close my eyes and swallow. I’m sick of worrying about this.

Let’s get it over with. I wait for it.

And wait.

A minute passes. I open my eyes as a bunch of kids gather to see the show. Kirk savors his new audience. “I have a great idea. Since you made me wait, Blow Jay. I’ll make you wait.” He laughs to himself. “That’s right. I might kick your ass tomorrow, next week, next month…who knows? One thing’s for sure. You’ll never see it coming.” Kirk spits on my face. His mucus trails down my cheek as he disappears inside school.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now