Chapter 31

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The guest bathroom inside the slave mansion is this tiny box. Only large enough for a narrow sink on one end and a toilet on the other. I park my butt on the toilet. Someone turns the handle and tries the locked door once in a while, but otherwise it's a great place to chill and think.

I want Bree.

She's the only girl that makes sense. The only girl that I think about. The only girl I want to be with.

I should have handled Friday better. When Bree threw me on the floor, I should have trusted her. If her dad wasn't there to pull her off, Bree would have realized what she was doing and stopped on her own. I didn't trust her that night, and I should have. Love means trust, doesn't it?

I shouldn't be scared of someone I love.

After about twenty minutes I flush the toilet to fool people into thinking I've used it. Then I leave the bathroom to get back to the party.

Issy throws himself at me, smacking my back against a French painting hanging on the wall. "She's here!" My wingman slurs the words together while his beer-breath gives me another vomit reflex.

I shove Issy off me. "Who's here?"

Like a flag in a slight breeze, Issy wavers back and forth. I better swipe his car keys. There's no way I'm letting him drive like this. My friend drags me towards the living room and points.

Five senior guys surround a girl in a chair. Her back faces me, but that black hair looks too familiar.

Bree whips around, her silky hair following. She's wearing makeup, looking like that gorgeous girl I took out to the zoo. Her long lashes blink as those familiar eyes center on me.

I move into the living room to get a better view.

Bree wears this sparkling red dress that shines and shimmies under the lights. She crosses her legs and sips on a cup of beer. Her eyes follow me. Bree must have come in when I was in the bathroom. But why is she here? Did Josh invite her to the party? Did Bree invite herself? Is Bree stalking me?

Should werewolves drink beer?

The vibe of the party changes. When I first arrived, the party was spread out through the house and the backyard. Now everyone crowds into the big living room. The only reason I can think of is Bree. A group of dudes hover around her, wanting to eat her up like candy.

Bree sits there like a queen, radiating this confidence I know she has, acting like this room is hers to command. Why is she doing this? This isn't hiding. All these kids go to our school, and they'll talk about her. I thought Bree said it was too dangerous for her to stand out like this?

Guess Bree doesn't care anymore.

Not once has she flicked her eyes away from me, even as she drinks. It's unnerving. I know what a deer feels like now. Is she trying to make me jealous?

I think it's working.

A hand touches my arm.

"She has some nerve." Pamela leans against my shoulder. "You only wanted some time to think and here's Bree putting herself out there like she's available. What a bitch. You should leave her. You don't need any girl who treats you that bad."

Bree's mouth twitches to the side. She heard that.

One brave asshole kneels beside Bree and talks to her. She concentrates on him and props her hand right under her chin, acting like she's mesmerized by every word this guy says. A spark of anger jolts my heart. I don't want him that close to Bree.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now