Chapter 40

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The wolf takes control. I force myself not to shift because if I stop to do that, the Demon Skin will be on me in seconds, stabbing me with that long silver knife.

I fly down one hallway and then another. So fast my brain can barely tell me where I am. Alarms scream. A school lock-down announcement comes over the speakers.

I turn a corner, and a security guard aims his pistol.

I skid to a stop as he frantically waves his hand, wanting me out of his way. I race up some stairs, and his gun fires.

I peek down the stairway to see.

The Demon Skin stops at the base of the stairs, a bullet hole in its chest. That dead, patch-stitched face has zero reaction. Another shot plows into its shoulder.

Nothing. It's like the guard is shooting a stack of hay.

School security can't save me. No one can save me.

I leap from step-to-step and reach the second floor within seconds. The Demon Skin pursues just as fast. At least the creature's footsteps make noise. I run down another upstairs hallway, and a teacher motions me to come inside her classroom for safety, but I can't. The more I stay in school, the more I'm risking everyone's safety. I have to get out of the building.

The window.

I streak through the hallway, make a fast right, and head down the next hallway, where I see the big window I used minutes ago to spy on Aiden. I run as fast as I can, close my eyes, and leap right through. The sound of breaking glass shatters my ears as my toes feel air beneath them.

The landing hurts. My legs are too strong to break bones, but my nerve endings aren't numb. The pain shoots up both my legs, and I yelp. But I shake it off and run across the outside plaza and past the waving flags.

A shadow flies across the pavement. The Demon Skin lands with a thud on the concrete.

Instead of chasing me, it swerves away and runs parallel to me. What's it doing?

I pull out my car keys and then realize I parked in the student overflow lot. That's why the Demon Skin swerved off. It's between me and my car that it must have found. I swing around and head towards the bus loading zone.

The Demon Skin increases its speed. It's super fast, and I can barely keep ahead of it. Something metal pings near my feet. I glance down and notice something spinning away. A silver throwing star. I look behind me. It throws another one that bites my shoulder.

The silver burns, and I hear myself scream. I try to pull the star out of my shoulder, but as soon as my fingers touch it, they burn too. Still, I manage to pull the star out, and it dings against the ground. My fingers swell up from the contact with the silver.

Only a few busses are left. Many have kids on board, so I can't take any of those. But there's an empty bus at the end. I race up the stairs and pant in front of the bus driver, who is reading something on his phone.

"We're broken down, honey. The replacement should be here any—"

"What's wrong with the bus?" I interrupt.

"The brakes don't work right."

That means it'll move.

"Sir, I'm so sorry." I toss the poor man off the bus, and he falls right on top of the Demon Skin as they both tumble to the ground.

I shut the door to the stairs and jump behind the wheel. I scan the controls. Parking brake. I pull that, and the air brakes release. I put the bus in drive and jab the pedal. The bus accelerates through the bus loading zone. I check the huge side-mirror. The Demon Skin runs after me.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now