Chapter 38

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My last day of school. For some reason I want to get there on-time, so I'm speeding. I only have ten minutes until the first bell rings. I swing the Jetta into the school parking lot, snatch my backpack, and run through the maze of cars, across the bus drop-off lane, across the small plaza with the two flag poles, and right inside the doors. Kids flood the hallways. I join the rush hour and head towards first hour.

I pass by a girl showing off her cute legs. She's bent over the water fountain wearing a skirt and some frilly top. Doesn't that kinda look like...

Bree stands up in a blink of an eye. Her gaze on me just as fast.

My feet stop.

Bree stares.

Kids move around us, wondering why we're creating a bottleneck in the hallway.

Bree's eyes fall away from me. The girl quickly disappears into the stream of students heading down the opposite way.

She's gone.

Just like that.

The pain comes back. The one I can't rip out. Seeing her triggers it. My heart craves her like she's some drug that I can't get out of my system. But I don't want her out of my system. I want to be hooked on Bree forever.

Two minutes until the first bell. I find Bree's locker, take out a folded note from my backpack, and push it through the slit right above the number plate. It falls inside.

There. It's done.

Since Bree used a note to break up with me, I decided my final good bye should be done the same way.

She'll wait until after school before visiting her locker again. And when she does, Bree will see her name written on top of the note and smell my scent.

If she loves me, Bree will race to my house and stop me. She'll have to save me again like she did the first time.

And if Bree doesn't love me, she will let me die in peace. It's the same choice she made in the forest that night. Either I'll be saved or my fate will be sealed. A fate that says I was always meant to die.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now