Chapter 15

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The morning sun pours out my window. It reminds me that I've been up for seven straight hours waiting for Bree to rampage through my house, kill my dad, and then hurl herself against my barricade like a fang-wielding maniac.

I did an on-line search about werewolves. How the moon affects them. How they are similar and different from normal wolves. How they can turn others into werewolves. How humans can kill them. All this knowledge does nothing to calm me down. I should have never accepted that ride from Bree. From now on, I will never accept car rides from strange girls. Even if I think they're cute.

I need to piss, but I'm too scared to move back my protective layer of furniture to go to the bathroom.

A shadow blocks the sun from my window.

Bree stands inches away from the glass.

Oh, crap. I back away from my desk. That thin layer of glass won't keep her out. Why didn't I think of the window? I should have covered it with duct tape or something. Where's my bat?

I scoop it from the floor and grip it. The hard wood surface gives me a shred of confidence. I'll keep swinging the bat at her and hope I can knock her unconscious, then I can fetch Dad and get out of here.

Bree's gaze burns through the window.

I run into my desk. I can't back up any more. I won't have enough time to pull the desk and the sofa out of the way before Bree attacks. I'm trapped. Bree will change into that monster again, crash through my window, and turn me into a werewolf.

Wait. Do I want to be a werewolf? That sounds kind of cool.

Maybe I should think about this.

Bree taps the window and motions me to open it.

Seriously? I shake my head. No way.

Bree rolls her eyes and then holds up a rock. Her eyebrows lift. Well?

Well, I don't want to get in trouble for a broken window so I release the lock and open it. Bree climbs into my room with little effort and leans against the window-sill. I stand with my back pressed hard against the desk. My Death Star wall clock ticks off the seconds.

Bree studies my homemade barricade. Her mouth twitches to the side. "Really, Aiden? A barricade?"

"Are you going to eat me?"

Bree cocks her head. "Did you really just ask me that?"

I don't answer.

Bree blows off my question. "We need to talk. So let's go grab some breakfast."

"Breakfast?" I ask.

"I'm super starving right now, so grab your wallet and let's go eat."

"Why do I need my wallet?"

"Last night you left your date stranded miles away from her home, without her purse, without her phone, and basically forced that poor girl to walk all the way back to her house on the other side of town. So throw me some respect. I think you owe me that."

"What if you just left me alone and we pretended that last night didn't happen?"

"It's too late for that." Bree crosses her arms. "Look, I want to be cool about this. I want us to chill, eat some breakfast, and relax. You can ask me anything you want to about last night. Seriously, anything. And I won't lie to you. So are you down with that?"

My eyes tell me it's only a girl so why should I be afraid of her? But my brain screams to stay away. I know what she is, and I don't want any part of it.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now