Chapter 42

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A huge rose garden surrounds me on all sides with this sea of green and red. Walking paths criss-cross through the garden, chopping up the flowers into sections. Someone's effort at trying to tame and limit their spread, to present beauty in a controlled and accessible way. But those rose thorns remind me that embracing things that are beautiful comes with a price tag.

The sun hides behind clouds so it can't give me any warmth. My hands sink deep into the soft dirt, making my fingers cold. The ground is still cool from winter despite spring waking the roses and the trees from their deep sleep.

My kidnapper lingers around me. It's the weirdest thing I've ever looked at. Leathery pieces of skin laced together form its face. Silver chain-mail clings to its body along with a belt of silver knives and throwing stars. The handle of a silver pistol sticks out from a holster. It hides it all under this long, black coat that you would see on one of those old Western movies. Scars and bite wounds are carved into its face and hands. All of them deep.

But what's bizarre is its elbows.

For some reason, metal door hinges have been inserted over both elbows, each with six screws that dig into the skin. Almost like they were replacements for the joints that should be there.

The creature slipped inside my house without a sound. I heard no glass break. No door jimmied open. No door kicked in. The Demon Skin was as silent as a shadow passing over my wall as it entered my bedroom. I was lying on my bed, arguing with myself. Dad's loaded shotgun next to me with the fatal shot waiting in the chamber. I hesitated, wanting to give Bree more time. Wanting her to give me a reason not to do it. The pathetic me still unable to make a decision.

The creature grabbed me before I could even open my mouth, dragged me out of the house like a slab of petrified wood, and brought me here. I tried running away like Issy did against Bree's father, but the creature was too fast. It dragged me back here and sat me on the ground like a naughty child. It used a rope to tie my hands to an iron bench cemented into the ground. I feel the rope tight against my wrists, holding my arms behind my back.

I dared it to kill me. Begged it even. What do I have to live for? Nothing. But the damn thing refused. I hope Bree doesn't come. If she doesn't come, then this thing will have no choice but to follow up on its death threat. And then I'll finally be free.

The creature slides out a long, silver blade that scrapes against the scabbard. "Your companion has made her entrance."

Bree? Damn it. Why did she show up? I don't want her here. She's going to get killed.

A low growl echoes from one side of the bushes. I know that growl.

"I was convinced that you would not take up my invitation, little werewolf. Surely a she-wolf has no love for a human boy. They are such frail creatures compared to a powerful creature such as yourself. How can you love this...thing?"

No answer. But I know she's out there.

"Come, little werewolf, show yourself to your mate. Make his spirit fill with hope before I carve it out of him."

"Stay away, Bree. I don't want you to save me," I yell.

"This human lies. His feelings for you are intense. His desire for your flesh is insatiable. He is even willing to sacrifice his life if he is not able to win your affections. I have read this in his note. The one he left for you to find, little werewolf. The note which led me to him." The creature orbits around me, its eyes hunting for Bree. "Is he not worth the trouble? Is this human not worth dying for? Time grows short, little werewolf." It lifts its blade to my neck. The sharpness presses a little into my skin. One flick will open me up like a broken piñata. "Perhaps I might change the rules to this encounter. Perhaps I might carve your mate up anyway. That impulse is becoming very appealing."

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now