Chapter 28

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Darkness swallows up the forest. The wind has died. My hope has died. And now I will die. Bree's Sasquatch-sized father trails behind Issy and me, prodding us deeper into the forest behind their house. Deeper into the darkness where he can hide our bodies and let them decompose for years. Or maybe he will eat us and not tell Bree. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this would happen. I knew Bree was too good to be true. I'm an idiot for trying to think I could handle a werewolf for a girlfriend. That I'm this macho dude that could handle anything a girl could throw at me. But pinning me down to the ground and ripping my clothes off? Normal girls don't act like that.

Yes, of course I've had that dream. The dream where all the hottest girls in school, plus a few random super models thrown in, chase me down the hallways, wanting to rip my clothes off because they want my sexy bod. Don't get me wrong. It's a great dream, but when Bree tried it for honestly scared the crap out of me.

In my dream, I loved all those girls pawing over my clothes. Those dream girls giggled and acted know...normal girls would. It turned me on. But then Bree acted like some crazed, female demon bent on my annihilation. She held me to the floor like she was going to kill me, eat me, or force me to...none of it was sexy. None of it was like my dream. I wasn't trapped in a room with a beautiful girl. I was trapped in a room with an unpredictable wolf who would either lick me or kill me with a blink of those burning red eyes. Super models don't have burning red eyes.

I mean, if I forced Bree down, took off her clothes, and prevented her from getting up, wouldn't that be rape? Forcing yourself on a girl and she doesn't want it, isn't that rape? Is that what Bree tried to do to me?

I'm confused.

"Keep going," Bree's father says from behind me. He noticed I've slowed down.

I increase my pace and catch up with Issy, who looks like he's about to piss all over himself. When I told him that Mr. Mayflower wanted to talk to us in private, Issy got jazzed about meeting another werewolf. But now that excitement has turned to butt-loads of anxiety. Both of us don't like the way Mr. Mayflower acts. He's not telling us why we need to go deep into a dark forest to talk. Why can't we talk in their nice, comfortable house, since his wife and daughter went to the mall? Something's wrong.

"Only a little further now," Mr. Mayflower says. The glow from his camping lantern creates a strange shadow across his face. Like a dark mask.

The forest lies quiet. The animals must have decided to get the hell out when they saw two teens being escorted by a gigantic werewolf. I don't blame them.

We soon reach two big rectangular holes cut deep into the earth. They're over five-feet long.

"Think I have the dimensions right." Mr. Mayflower examines his handwork with the lantern. "Go ahead. Try 'em out." He gestures down at the holes with the lantern.

Why does he want us to stand in a hole? And why do each of us have a...damn. Oh, damn.

Issy and I turn. Each reads the other's face. Mr. Mayflower has dug our graves. I knew it. I knew that he was leading us down here to kill us. My chest hurts. The icy feeling of helplessness jabs the back of my neck.

"No way. I'm not going down there," Issy says.

Mr. Mayflower stands still. "I insist."

Issy checks to see if I'm going to do anything, like run for my life.

"Losing my patience here, boys."

I don't want to die like this, getting mauled by a werewolf and becoming fertilizer for a bunch of trees. I'm not sure I even want to die. But I know I don't want to die like this. And why does Issy have to die with me? My wingman didn't ask for any of this. Issy is a new car owner and was so looking forward to being a senior. Now I've condemned him. I'm about to ruin his life because I picked the wrong forest to commit suicide in.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now