Chapter 25

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The sounds coming from my parents' bedroom down the hallway are...hugely awkward. I think I know what they're doing in there, but then again, I don't want to know. I press ear buds to my ear holes and blast music to drown the noise. I want to forget all about cute boys because I can't lose control.

The dance club songs I blast into my ears are way too suggestive in content as they talk about shaking one's butt or grinding it against...I change the play list to Beethoven. Thank the Goddess for Ludwig. His music calms me. It's so beautiful and not at all sexual. I listen to the complete Ninth Symphony, pulling myself into the world of music and letting it take me away for a while.

Dad ordered me to limit my time with Aiden for the next few weeks. I can only see him during school hours, and it's so hard, but I have it under control. We can still snuggle at lunch in the back of my car, which is so nice. Aiden cuddles me in his arms, and I nuzzle his ears with my nose and then rest my cheek against his chest and listen to his heart pumping and...

Piss on the sun! This isn't helping.

I roll on my bed and curl up into a ball. The burning pulsates through every piece of me. How many more weekends of this burning do I have to suffer?

I flip through a new set of magazines Mom bought. Some of the half-naked boys are cute and would be exciting eye candy for human girls. But for me, they're only boys on paper. I don't know them. Not like I know Aiden. I can't smell their scent or feel their presence in a room. They can't tell me how beautiful I look. They can't twist a strand of my hair with their finger, or brush my cheek, or hold me tight, or kiss me good night.

I so have to get out of here.

Firing up my car, I drive over to the bookstore and wander around, taking in the sights and smells of paper and wood. Some days I like to come in here and walk around. Any stress that builds up at school can be easily released here. Books don't care if someone called you Cave Girl, or made fun of your hair, or laughed at your clothes, or said hurtful things that made you want to kill. Books accept you just the way you are.

I glance through the romance section because I need a sexy book, like girl-friendly sexy not sleazy. Something that could last me a few days and make me concentrate on a fictional mate, one I could load all my passion on. But there's so many books to choose from that I can't decide. Do I want historical romance? Romantic thriller? Romantic mystery? Paranormal romance? Ugh, not that one.

I pull one novel off the shelf that looks promising and scan the first chapter. Oh, this will so work. I order a ham sandwich in the café and read for a half hour. Then I go into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. This book is perfect. The cashier rings up my purchase, and I'm out of there for some late night reading.

* * *

Breaking Wild Stallions gets me through the weekend. I even highlight the extra sexy parts and keep the book in my backpack in case I need to distract myself at school. Today will be so hard, and I don't know if I can get through it without embarrassing myself.

I fail even before school starts.

I'm kissing Aiden before he even says hi to me in the parking lot. Issy doesn't know what to do. I'm making him totally uncomfortable, and I so can't help it. This is my boyfriend, and I've missed him over the weekend. Really missed him.

Aiden grins. "Please do that every morning."

At lunch I cling on to Aiden like a baby monkey. I know it's too obsessive, but I can't stop myself. I nip his ear and start licking it. Seriously. I know! I'm so shameless, and I don't care. So what if humans don't do this in public. They should free themselves from all that puritanism they love to hold on to.

My Girlfriend Bites (Young Adult Paranormal Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now