Chapter Sixty-Four: Small Favors

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Kiria was being followed. Had been followed; whenever she walked to school or the grocer or Asuiri's. She'd turn around and this faint blur would vanish from sight. It unnerved her to no end.

Today she felt the same following, stalking presence suddenly disappear. Just as suddenly, Kiria - who had been walking down a quiet street deep in contemplative thought - was confronted by a tall dog-like creature with stern stormy blue eyes. The platinum blonde- and white- fur shone as it looked down upon her and pressed its muzzle into Kiria's hands. She felt a roll of paper slip from between its teeth into her palm.

Kiria unfolded the note.

Dearest Miss Kiria Mashi Tomat,

I ask on the behalf of Shizira Sanunmon - rerevare ty canipoynimar sael - that you attend to my shop as soon as possible. There is much to be discussed concerning your mentor's passing and your grief, among other things. It would be wise for you to return with Eurai, but if immediate business elsewhere demands your attention, then I beg you bare my company as soon as possible thereafter. Do not dolly, and thank you for all consideration. I hope this reaches you.

Sincerely, Lady Eheriti

Kiria worriedly questioned how this woman knew her middle name, but disregarded it anyway and stared up into the dog Eurai's eyes with nervousness.

"Is Lady Eheriti... nice?"

A single head bob, vertically. A yes. Relief filled Kiria's veins as she tidily tucked the note up and placed it within her pocket.

"Alright, then. I just need to call my sister and tell her-"

Eurai shook her head to and fro. A no.

"Why not?!"

The big creature stepped forward briskly and brushed its furry shoulder along Kiria's body. She shivered, feeling the intimate touch which was followed by several bursts of feelings and words within her mind. But the words weren't words; they were simply sensations that Kiria's own mind translated into words best befitting them.

Trust. Knows. Safe. Fine.

"A-Are you saying my sister knows about this arrangement? And stuff? I can just go ahead?"

Another intimate brush, sending tingles up and down Kiria's veins and making her arms shake.

Yes. Hurry. Time. Adequate. Go.

"If you say so, Eurai," Kiria whimpered, climbing up onto the dog's back. It gave a shake of its fluffy fur as Kiria felt the intimate tingles stretch further and further into her body, invading her heart and soul until it felt as if her heart was beating of the accord of an outside force. The words became thoughts and the thoughts became sentences and pictures that burned with a metallic and vivid taste in Kiria's mouth.

Kiria stood once more before the same glass-topped shop door, labeled Shop of Magicae, Lady Eheriti at Your Service with the indistinguishable date scratched out from beneath. Eurai switched back into her human self, adjusting the ruffles of her skirt and pushing open the door. The bell jingled. Kiria hadn't been here since before Shizira had died...

"This way," Eurai nudged Kiria, taking her hand firmly like a mother to a daughter, and pulled her back towards the dark corner of the shop. They passed the cash register, where an anonymous tired old man with drawn-lined eyes and ruffled black hair sat and read a magazine. Anzeka was nowhere to be seen.

Eurai led Kiria to a back office door, where Private Personnel Only were allowed, and also opened that door for Kiria. A wave of fresh, cinnamon-y air crashed down over Kiria. The smell, despite how comforting it should sound to be, made the hairs on Kiria's arms stand up. Once the scent had settled into her nostrils, Kiria could smell a sweet pipe-smoke and a tinge of metal and perfume. Kiria hesitated, but Eurai roughly shoved her in and trailed after, closing the door with a click behind them.

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