Chapter Fifteen: More Asuiri

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She sat on the edge of the cliff, Uria sitting in her lap. New things happened, new new things. Cool new things. Shiny new things.

Speaking of shiny things, what was with her shiny on a string? It was kinda weird, and it didn't feel right for her to have it. Well, it did, but it only would for a little while, and she knew that. She sighed heavily, slumping a bit.

She didn't like herself. Well, she kinda did, but she didn't too because she was a bad thing. No one liked her, so she must be bad. She had done bad things. Bad, bad, bad.

Suddenly, an idea came to her. Maybe, just maybe, if she did a good thing, then she would be good too?

No, no that wouldn't work. Demons didn't do good things. She was almost entirely sure that she was a demon. But she didn't want to be a demon. Why did she have to be disliked?

She had another idea. The necklace shiny, the necklace shiny! The necklace shiny was only supposed to be hers for a little while, right? That must mean it will only be hers for a little while because she had to give it to someone! She grinned; she finally thought of a good thing she could do!

She could have jumped for joy, had she not been next to a cliff. Oh, she didn't want to lose her only friend and accidently drop Uria beyond the edge!

She picked up Uria and walked away, only a single problem lingering in her mind: who did she have to give her shiny to?

"Uria," she whispered to the pattern on the rock. "Help me, please?"

The rock did not respond.

She sighed. Now her only friend wouldn't talk to her? Wow, what a lousy friend. She dropped the rock, it landing on her toe. She didn't care though, but Uria certainly would when she finally realized she was all alone.


It was a day like any other that Kiria had come to know. She'd gone to school, encountered Asuiri in all his sweetness and Shizira in all her stoic-ness, and done her work. They'd gotten yet another transfer student, whose name Kiria couldn't recall, but all the girls had seemed infatuated with him. Not like that was any different with all the students that came and went from her class.

At lunch, Asuiri had been the sweetest; he always made a point now of doing something cute for Kiria daily. Today's special present was her own personal bento box that he'd made himself, with her face. It was both cute and surprisingly delicious, so Kiria didn't buy anything from the lunch line. Yesterday's had been a bundle of flowers in her favorite colors. The day before, a drawing of them in penguin costumes.

Now it was the end of the day, and Kiria was at her cubby getting the last of her things. She felt a pair of hands grip her shoulders gently, making her squeak. Moments later, a chin rested on her shoulder and a cheek snuggled against hers.

"Hi Ki-Ki!" Asuiri smiled, taking his hands from atop her shoulders and wrapping his arms around her waist in a hug.

"Pfft," Shizira huffed, standing nearby. "I don't get why everyone's so attracted to boys. Then again, shouldn't I be attracted to boys? Huh. I never really bothered."

"Shi, are you like Sam-chi? Do you like all kinds of people? Do you wanna date girls, too?"

Shizira turned pink. "Ah, no. I don't want to date anything, really. I'm aromantic."

Kiria blinked, turning to face her and gently breaking Asuiri's hold. Their hands wrapped together, fingers interlocked. "You're aromantic?"

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