Chapter Thirty-Six: Dance, Dance, Dammit Axel

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        The ball room glowed under warm lights, the tile reflecting a dozen bodies. Vases of flowers put a pungent smell in the air. At one end of the room, chairs were set up in an auction. On a small stage, a band played uplifting semi-classical music that sounded just as elegant as this whole event. Asuiri led her on to the dance floor, and with the music as their guide Kiria twirled and twirled. They clapped when everyone else did, swung to a delicate yet modern beat, and honestly, Kiria loved it. She took Asuiri's hands and swirled across the floor.

        When Kiria had exhausted herself over five songs straight, she took a seat on the chairs around the curve of the room. Asuiri joined her, and they held hands, panting. The barker's voice rose above the music as high elitists tried to bet upon various items. When Kiria heard the word magic, her eyes widened and she glanced over. She saw black hair, a raised arm, a voice call - oh that was an outrageous amount of money. Nobody challenged Shizira. Her friend walked away with some relic or something magical, not literally, of course. Prizes would be picked up at the end of the dinner. Instead, Shizira left the crowd to loiter on the edges. Kiria watched a young man approach her.

        He made gentle gestures at Shizira with his hands. Kiria saw her shake her head refusingly, take a step back. He pursued. Shizira leaned forward and snapped something and he grabbed her arm. Took a step closer. Shizira struggled furiously. Kiria saw a golden glint, heard the faintest bells beneath the music. Wind stirred the edges of skirts, the collars of clean shirts.

        Blue-tipped hair and furious golden eyes. Shizira pushed the boy back, made him stumble but not fall. Her mouth moved, but her tone was cold and low from what Kiria could tell. The boy froze, then turned and not-so-subtly power-walked away. Bells and wind again. Shizira straightened her dress hem and went to find her father.

        "Hey, little sister," Axel sat down beside Kiria. "Enjoying the party?"

        "It's not a party, Axel, it's a classy company dinner."

        "It's a rich elitist party. That food certainly was something, though. Glad you befriended that Shizira, eh? Even though her type seem just a bit snotty."

        "Axel!" Kiria exclaimed. "Shizira is not snotty!"

        "She's rich. I suppose that's enough to overlook her harming you, ya know?"

        "Axel-" Kiria turned, saw hurt orange eyes and a swirl of white dress. Footsteps clattered loudly as Shizira ran away. Kiria immediately stood up and went after her, seeing the ornate bathroom door swing shut. She gripped the brassy handle and pushed inward, but stopped when she heard gentle sobbing. Kiria crouched down outside the cracked door, wishing she were like Raviel, that she could hear if Izira were talking. What was happening.

        "Damnit," she heard soft swearing. A ripping sound. "Now my face looks like I just spilled ink out of my eyes. Eugh, make-up was no good anyway. Terrible high-end society stuff. Just like me, I guess."

        "Ignore it. You are a good person. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're an ass."

        "No, Izira, you're no good at comforting anybody," Kiria heard Shi murmur after a brief silence. "I keep forgetting that what I did was terrible, that they shouldn't forgive me so easily. But what do I do? Go out there and smile? I hardly feel like smiling."

        "I could tell Axel to piss off, if you'd like."

        "And face her wrath? No thanks. That'd only ruin my reputation with them more." The sound of running water. Kiria rose to her feet and gently nudged the bathroom door open, stepping in. She closed it with a thud behind her, making Shizira at the sink jump. She quickly turned her face away, but Kiria still saw the thin black trail on her cheeks.

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