Chapter Sixty: Her Vendetta

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"You guys seen Shizira today?" Asuiri asked the obvious question. Of the five friends, only one was missing.

"Mistress, we should find her. I have a bad feeling," Raviel announced.

"I second that motion!" Uria chirped.

"Yeah... me too, I think. Sure, why not," Hamon grunted.

"Alright, Raviel," Kiria responded. "I learned a spell just for situations like this!"

"When?" Axel blurted, staring skeptically at her sister.

"After the one incident when we were out on the street at night. It's to make sure things like that don't happen again." With that, Kiria led them off down the street in search of Shizira Sanunmon.


"Help! Let me go!" a voice cried out. A voice that Kiria knew all too well. Her stomach dropped; no, no, no, not today! Why today? For what reason would she pick today?! Just when Kiria had something to show Shizira, too!

The four rushed around the corner, only for Axel to plow over another unsuspecting blonde that shouted and swore as they both hit the concrete.

"Watch what'yer doing and get off me!"

"Izira!" Kiria shouted, seeing the girl pinning Yugi up against the wall by his neck. Possessing the superior height to him meant that Yugi was flailing his legs fruitlessly, trying to connect his heels to the ground with very little success. Kiria saw Anzu and Honda standing around, staring despairingly at their friend and at the knife clenched in Izira's hand.

"Congratulations, you made it to the grand performance!" Izira sang, leaning slightly closer to Yugi as ashen tone began to edge up her arms and taint them with soot. Just like that one time with Uria. Kiria was already feeling sick. "I finally, finally get to kill this bastard!"

The puzzle glowed brightly and Yugi's feet inched slightly closer to the ground as he fought back, clenching his hands around the wrist gripped firmly about his neck. His eyes were a raging, infuriated reddish-purple and his bangs had sprung up.

"I thought I told you to leave them both alone!" the new-Yugi spit. Kiria blinked her eyes. Yugi... also had an Izira? A Yami? And they'd both met before? It had to have been before Kiria had come here.

"I never promised anything, Pharaoh," Izira purred, bringing the knife up and pressing it gently to his jaw. "Remember me?"

"N-No! Let go, Izira! I insist!"

Her face contorted harshly and the smudgy color jumped up her arms and legs. "Oh? Just like you insisted that my entire town be burned down?!"

"What are you talking about!"

"You, Pharaoh!" Izira barked, grinding her teeth in his face like a pissed-off dog. "I'm talking about you! You lit my town on fire, burned everything to rubble, and used the villager's bodies to make your shit puzzle and my earrings and Bakura's ring and the other Sennen Items! And guess what, Pharaoh? My dead body is a part of these earrings! I'm wearing my own corpse! You look at them!"

Izira pulled her hair back with the knife handle and showcased a single, shining gold earring. Yami Yugi's face had gone cold and petrified.

"And I'm finally getting revenge for our murders," Izira sounded too overjoyed. Way too overjoyed. "Getting revenge for being made into some jewelry you rejected. For having to rot in these earrings for three-thousand years!"

Izira brought the knife back to land the killing blow straight into Yugi's heart, but a pair of hands grabbed her arms and pulled her back, hefting her off the ground. Izira flailed her own legs this time, throwing the skirt into its own personal rampage as she roared.

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