Chapter Twenty: The Egyptian's New Clothes

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"Aaaa," Malice uttered.

"That's right, Malice," Axel encouraged, flashing the girl a smile and a thumbs up. She pointed to herself and repeated, "Aaaxel. Can you say the rest?"

"Aaaaaa," the egyptian repeated. Axel sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. This was going to take a lot longer than she thought. Oh well, at least Kiria could help her when she gets home from school.

Uria and Hamon sat nearby, watching. Axel looked past Malice to Uria. "Uria, can you ask her if she gets it?"

Malice looked to where Axel was looking and grinned. "Uria!" she exclaimed happily.

"She gets it; you're Axel, you are called Axel, but she's having trouble pronoucing it." The spirit came over and gently took Malice's hands in her own. "Say it with me, Malice: Ax-el."

"Aaaaaa.... At-ool."

Axel sighed. "We'll get Kiria to help whenever she gets home."


"Yes, Malice?" The blonde turned to look at the busty girl. Said busty looked at her and smiled.


"Don't wear it out." To this Malice replied by tilting her head like a confused puppy.

"This is going to be a looong day."

After a while, Kiria finally came home. Axel had sucessfully taught Malice five words: Atool (Axel), Good, Yes, No, and Food.

"Hey, Kiria," Axel greeted per usual. Malice peered up from behind the couch at Kiria. She pointed and tilted her head.

Axel looked at her. "That's Kiria, Malice," Axel explained. "Kiria."

"Ke...Ki... Kra?" she tried.

"Kiria," Kiria said in her soft voice, setting her bookbag down and sitting on the couch. "Kiria."

"Kir..ah," Malice tried. "Kiria." She looked back and forth from Axel to Kiria and smiled. "Atool, Kiria! Good, good!"

"Have you taught her much?" Kiria asked. Malice smiled and nodded.

    "Yes! Yes. Yes, no, food. Food! Food, Atool? Food?"

Axel nodded. "As you can see, she's, a... learning. C'mon, Malice, let's get you some food." The egyptian happily complied, standing up and following Axel into the kitchen.

A moment passed in silence. Then Kiria, who was sitting politely on the couch, heard, "Kiria! We're out of food!"

"Already?" Kiria exclaimed sadly. She set her textbooks on top of the coffee table and rose to her feet. She didn't really have the money to feed three people... especially when two of the three ate like starving lions.

"Are we going grocery shopping then?"

"Food?" Malice piped, tilting her head in confusion.

"Yes, Malice. Getting food."


The bus ride was filled with awkward silence as Kiria and Axel stood together awkwardly, and Malice tried to play on the ceiling bars. Men all alike kept their eyes politely averted - except the single men who felt no shame in staring openly.

They couldn't have gotten off that bus any faster.

As they stepped inside the grocery store, Malice's eyes widened in shock. She looked so completely amazed by the food around her that Axel had to hold her wrist in an iron-clad grip to keep her from running off into the food-filled unknown.

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