Chapter Twenty-Two: Good Good House, Good Good Date

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        Kiria and Axel hesitantly stepped toward their door, the one farthest from the front door. Kiria pushed it open, only to step back as the men shuffled out. They looked tired and hard-worked but happy, none-the-less, and tilted their heads at them. The sisters exchanged looks, and stepped inside.

        The walls were painted a perfect shade of blue. The dark carpet came in from the living room - it wasn't black, but it was such a dark color it was hard to specify. A range of hues shifted on it as their brains tried to figure out what color it was - and a window on the left wall fluttered with another curtain like on the living-room ones. There was a rolling door on the right wall, as well as the bunk-bed pushed into the far corner. Their chosen bedspreads looked almost perfect. There was a night-table on the far wall from them, and a desk as well, pushed into the opposite corner of the bed. Shizira had been specific enough that it matched them both, as alike and different as they were.

        Even Kiria's textbooks and book-bag sat on the desk. Axel moved to the rolling door and pushed it open, clicking on a light switch. A full walk-in closet, with Kiria's clothes on one side and the other half with some of Axel's. The new clothes had yet to be organized into it. At the far end, to divide the two sections, was a rack with their miscellaneous items.

        Kiria and Axel exited the bedroom at the same time Malice left hers. She was giggling, eyes sparkling, whispering, "Malice! Malice good! Good! Good."

        "Shizira, I-"

        Her friend held up a hand from where she sat on the couch, glancing up mischievously. "Since you're so small, they didn't really have an adequate-size uniform in stock, so you have a tailor fitting when we go back, after school. Also paid in full. I've also called a grocery store and the deliver-to-purchaser method, since we had a little accident last time. Your groceries will be arriving shortly. I tried to stock you well, but I'm not sure how long it'll last. After that, I will be spending money with you as a good friend, not as Shizira Sanunmon, daughter of extremely-rich Harune Sanunmon."

        "Alright," Kiria nodded, finally accepting it. Their new house. The new everything. Shizira had even specified what was personal item and what wasn't, so all that belonged truly to them from their family was in boxes neatly stacked by the door.

        "Kiria, why are all of your friends rich?" Axel suddenly asked. "Even Malice wears gold jewelry!"

        "I think she stole those," Kiria muttered in reply.

        Shizira smiled at them. "No, Axel, I'm the rich one of all of us. Asuiri is more... upper-end of the middle class rich. And Malice... I don't think she has much in the way of money besides the gold jewelry."

        "Hey," Kiria wondered, suddenly taken by the question. "Is Han really a close friend of your father's?"

        "He's my father's assistant and co-head of the Fresh Homes charity. He also manages some of the smaller branches. But they are friends, and when I was alone at home as a little kid it was usually Han who watched me. But now I can manage myself, so he does his work. We see each other so little."

        "Why do you live in that apartment of yours if you're rich, anyway?"

        "Well, father asked if I'd like to choose our house, and I did. I chose that apartment, not him. If it were him, well, he wouldn't care but it'd probably be a little bigger. I just don't like giant, open spaces like that in a home, filled with emptiness. Doesn't feel as friendly, ya know?"

        Kiria and Axel nodded. Malice was crouched on the second couch, scribbling with the crayons on a piece of paper.

        There was a thump at the door. Shizira gave another sneaky grin.

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