Chapter Fifty-One: Eternal Life

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"Malice!" Kiria gawked, because the bedroom looked like a hurricane had torn through it. There was stuff everywhere; dirty clothes, food wrappers - boxes and packages of food, too - and even random junk. Was that a stop sign? How did Malice get a stop sign?! Uria's rock sat on the desk, at the corner, in convenient access.

"Yes, Ki?" Malice replied, peeking out from underneath the bed. How she got under the bed was yet another mystery.

"Your room... it's a mess!"

"Is it?" Malice looked around. "Are messes bad things?"

"We're gonna get bugs, and mice, and- yes, messes are bad things!"


"We're cleaning."

"Cleaning? That where messes become no-messes?"

"Yes, that's what cleaning is."

"Malice help!"

"Ahm, actually... why don't you go play with Funwari?" A short, shriek-like whoop sounded out somewhere in the main living area, followed by a pained choking noise.

"Kiria, it bit me!"

"Play nice, Axel!"

"Tell this thing that!"

"Maybe it's hungry?"

"What do these things eat again?!"

"Fish, and fruit! He seems to like really sweet stuff, though. There's a jar of cherries in the fridge for him."

"Can Malice have cherries?"

"Why don't you help Axel with Funwari and have her make a sandwich while I... clean up?" Kiria opened the door, ducking when a blue bullet fired through the door. Tiny claws pricked her head as she felt something fluffy brush her scalp.

The tiny dragon squawked and flapped its wings, before jumping down onto Kiria's shoulders and perching there. The tail draped over her shoulder, and she reached up to brush the feathers at the end of the tail. Despite dragons technically being reptilian, Yuuki had explained Eularthenthyrs were the descendants of the bigger more dragon-esque Kapartshithyrs and a reptilian-like species of Griffon called Hebizaksus. Generations of mixed breeding had resulted in the flock-living bird-like dragon, no bigger than her head, perched on Kiria's shoulder.

Funwari squeaked, bumped Kiria's cheek with his beak-like muzzle, and glided over to perch on Malice's shoulders. She squealed and rushed out of the bedroom, and Kiria postponed the start of cleaning to lean on the doorframe and watch.

Axel reached into the refrigerator and rustled around for a bit, before withdrawing a plate and setting it on the counter. On said plate was a handful of cherries, which Funwari instantly flew to and began mashing up with his muzzle-like beak. Despite the obvious "beak", making it a bird, Yuuki said it was more of a hard muzzle and that he did have teeth. They were just very miniature, sharp, bristle-like teeth which caused a stinging sensation whenever he bit anything.

Axel could confirm that.

Kiria still couldn't believe she had a pet dragon. Asuiri had screamed when he saw it, which caused Funwari to do what all Eularthenthyrs did when scared - that is, puff themselves up to be intimidating and release very loud whoops not unlike short ambulance-siren bursts. This made Asuiri scream louder, which made the the whoops increase in frequency until the screaming and whooping meshed together and it was all just a wall of noise. Axel had almost crushed poor Funwari, slamming his beak shut in her fist, while Kiria had hushed Asuiri.

After that, Asuiri seemed calm about it and actually enthusiastically played with 'Funi-chi'.


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