Chapter Twenty-Five: Really Good Good Date

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Malice sat up from her place on the floor. Aw, again? She liked sleeping in the squishy bed. Why did she keep ending up on the floor?

She stretched and walked into the living room, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Morning, Atool," she greeted, smiling. Axel was awesome! She taught Malice how to talk in Japanese and she made her food and she colored with Malice.

"Good morning, ------ ----," Axel returned, eating a bowl of cereal. Malice couldn't fluently speak the language yet, but she knew lots of words. Too many for her to count. Then again, she could only count to sixteen. Malice knew she was sixteen years old, or at least that's what Axel told her. Axel was also sixteen, and Kiria was fifteen.

Malice sat down and looked at the picture box. What did Axel call it? Tee-Bee? Probably something like that. Some dumb people were doing dumb things, it wasn't very interesting.

"Malice," Axel said, getting the Egyptian's attention. She did that a lot.

"Yeah, Atool?" Malice asked.

"Asuiri is gonna ---- ---- today. Didn't you ----- finish that picture for him?" Axel spoke as if speaking to a small child, which Malice may as well been. But Malice didn't mind.

"Oh yeah!" Malice exclaimed. She rolled to the other side of the room and reached in the top drawer of the table, pulling out a half-finished picture.

It was a somewhat crudely drawn Asuiri and Kiria with three little hearts in between them. Next to Asuiri was a penguin (Axel showed her what they looked like) and next to Kiria was a half-finished Raviel. Malice liked Raviel. He talked funny.

She picked up her box of crayons and got to work. She hoped they would both like it. Malice knew Kiria loved Asuiri and Asuiri loved Kiria and Asuiri also loved penguins and Raviel loved Kiria. Well, Raviel loved Kiria in a different way from how Asuiri loved Kiria, but it was still there. Raviel loved Kiria like how Axel loved Malice, in a motherly way. Asuiri loved Kiria in the way Hamon loved Uria, except Asuiri admits it. Hamon is stubborn.

Thump thump, Malice heard just as she finished.

"I get Kiria!" she yelled as Axel got the door.

"Okay, Malice," was Axel's response. Malice opened the door to Kiria and Axel's room, climbing the ladder quickley. She climbed onto the bed and hugged Kiria in her sleep. With a jolt, Kiria woke up and nearly threw Malice to the ground.


"Morning, Kiria! Asuiri door," Malice explained. She got down, leaving a confused Kiria to follow her out.

Malice smiled when Asuiri and Kiria saw each other. It always made her happy to see those two together. Asuiri hugged kiria and said some words to her that Malice couldn't understand very well.

"Asuiri, Kiria," she exclaimed. "Look, look!" She held up the picture she had drawn and handed it to Asuiri. "I did."

Asuiri gasped. "---- ----- ----- good, Malice!" Asuiri responded. Whenever Asuiri talked, Malice usually didn't understand what he said. But this she understood, and her smile swelled with pride.

"Good, good!" she cheered. She looked at Kiria and pointed to the picture. "Good, Kiria?"

"Yes, very good, Malice."

"Yay!" They both liked it! That made Malice too happy. She jumped onto the couch and hugged a pillow. "Good!"


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