Chapter Fifty-Seven: Relationships

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"For the millionth time Hamon, no! It's a bad idea and it'll get you hurt!" Uria yelled at the gold spirit, Raviel standing at her side.

"But she hurt you, Malice, Asuiri, me, and Kiria! I don't see the harm in taking out Shizira for the greater good!"

"Hamon. She brought you and Axel back," Raviel reminded him.

"But she only did it because she got to kill someone to do it!"

Uria sighed and sat down next to him, picking up one of his hands, despite neither of them feeling it. "Hamon. You remember how powerful she is, don't you? Izira is that same girl you know. Only now, she's a zillion times as strong."

"Actually Uria, no. I don't remember. And you don't either." Hamon stood up and looked right at Raviel. "You're the only one who remembered anything at all!"

"Hamon, calm down," Raviel demanded. "I believed you both had also retained your memories. I didn't know neither one of you didn't remember anything."

"Yes, you did, you asshole!" Hamon screeched. Uria huffed and rolled her golden eyes, turning to Hamon and gripping his hand ever tighter.

"I think you're forgetting that Izira's the issue, not Shizira. Shizira is a very good kid - it's Izira that has the issues. And I genuinely believe that Shizira feels passionate regret about what Izira does to us. That's why she's trying so hard, Hamon! She just wants to make things right!"

Raviel had been holding his tongue, but it couldn't be with-held anymore and he stared his friend in the eyes. "I shouldn't say this, but..."

"But what?" Uria asked, tilting her head adorably. The plump dragon girl, looking much like her human counterpart, was also a dear friend of Raviel's. It had definitely pissed him off when Izira had attacked her, but...

"I know you all hate me. I don't mind that," Izira stated, casually sharpening her knife with slow movements that betrayed the pain she felt. "Everyone hates me. I'm hatred. People hate hatred. People will always hate me."

"Shizira is willing to do many things to protect us," Raviel half-assed, rubbing at his neck in a self-conscious habit. He couldn't feel it, but just doing it seemed to ease the tension eating at his nerves.

"Like what?" Hamon spat.

"In a way, you're a godsend," Izira told him as they sat upon the fire escape, each regarding the other with horrible tension that stretched like a too-tight rubberband between them. He could feel her utter despair at his very existence, but the pounding she'd given him earlier seemed to have drained her for the time being - as brief as that was.

"How so?"

"Shizira is not afraid to kill herself to spare others of me. If Kiria and Asuiri hadn't taken her in stride, given her a purpose to not die, I am assured greatly that she would have lunged from the roof of her building at any given day."

Raviel was taken back. "She was suicidal?!"

"Once," Izira nodded affirmingly, staring at the stars. "I couldn't have her dying on me, but we're pretty evenly matched and I know she could do it fairly easily. There's not much you can do to save yourself, even as a mage, if you're plummeting from a building. At least you both showed up. You kept her living. All the better for me, undoubtedly. You gave me a longer time to figure out who I am. You let me find real justification to kill Yugi Mutou."

Hamon's mouth closed slowly and the two's eyes widened. Uria seemed more traumitized of the both.

"I hate you," Izira told him with fervent vigor. "And yet you seem to do more good than bad. What kind of shit demon are you? Aren't you supposed to be hellspawn?"

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