Chapter Forty-Two: Insanity

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"Bye-bye~ Kiria-sama!" Haru waved farewell from atop Ketsuka's shoulders as the entire company of Chapel Yauren bid them goodbye. The car hummed to life and drove off, carrying the visiting guests back to the city.


Izira paced back and forth inside her cell of a Soul Room. The bricks mocked her, the Ankh mocked her, the books and the few things she had, they all mocked her. She was tired of playing goody-two-shoes for these stupid brats. She was tired of wasting her time protecting those stupid demons and their stupid hosts when she should be out killing the damn Pharaoh, getting her revenge and getting her memories back!

"I know I'm close," the spirit growled to herself, slamming her fists into the brick walls. She closed herself off to Shizira, closed herself off to the world. She punched and punched those stupid walls, willing them to expand a shred, to give a sign she remembered something on her own. Why did she have to rely on stupid relics and the chance she'd luckily touch them to get her memories back?! Being so powerless, being so weak, being such a bitch!... It drove her mad. Her fingers itched for control, for memories, for something she could relish in.

The bricks gave her no comfort. Izira screamed and tugged at her hair, unfeeling, wishing for it to pry out and cause her pain just so she could feel something! She was tired of being dead, of not feeling anything, having no influence, living but not living because to the entire world she didn't exist and she didn't matter and she had no say in anything-

Not unless she took the body. Controlled it. Made the girl's fingers hers, made the heart hers, made the body all hers. She wondered how Shizira would like it, being the powerless one of their relationship, reduced to some measly spirit trapped inside a set of earrings, never feeling never breathing never being heard never being treat right being ignored being hated being so god-damn insane-

She'd called them that night, asked for Kiria to come over, pretended to be Shi. She was hoping maybe Raviel could tell her something, help her piece together a past she couldn't reach could barely see. But of course, the stupid little shit got lost and she waited forever for nothing, so she went to go see the Pharaoh. It was creepy, she knew, cat-climbing onto the Game Shop roof and pushing the window open gently and staring from the deep shadows at that sleeping tiny big-haired body. So close. She could have slipped right in, slit his throat, and be right out. Five minutes tops, and all her problems would be over. Perhaps she could even take the Puzzle, smash it into bits, smelt the gold and laugh in his stupid Pharaoh face- see how he liked it-

They were having a slumber party. She knew Raviel, the asshole, he wanted to speak with her. She refused. She couldn't waste any more time. She was wasting time, had already wasted time, generations and generations of time doing absolutely nothing and she was done with it!

When the stupid little children went to sleep, Izira seized Shizira's body and made it rise. She made for the door, didn't care how the slightly damaged hinges creaked annoyingly, didn't care about the elevator ping- when she escaped onto the street, breathed air and felt the breeze and hear the sounds and tasted and lived, she felt satisfied. But not satisfied enough. There wasn't enough control. Her body twitched, spasmed, she watched the fingers claw and twitch and wiggle out of her control. Out of control. Again. Always again. Always out of her control. Not anymore.

A maniac giggle escaped her lips. She reached to her pocket, withdrew and clenched the knife in her fist. Forget stupid, toying Shadow Games - she might do one of those - but no, no, she wanted to control the life. She needed it like she needed air; she was drowning in her own insanity, she just needed a breath, a little control-

Her victim of choice; a college student walking home late from paper research. She didn't give a damn who he was, if he had family, all she knew was that she dug her fingers into the roof of his mouth. His teeth clamped down, trying to struggle free, but she dragged him. Let him taste her blood. She'd certainly taste his.

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