Chapter Thirty-Five: Thank you for Flying Seven Wind Airlines

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        When Kiria woke up, it was because of an announcement saying they were going to land within an hour. Flight attendants came by offering early breakfast - yogurt, fruit, and dishes of scrambled eggs among other small things. Kiria took a bowl of yogurt and eggs, ate them both, and handed the passing attendant her dirty dishes. Then she settled back and stared at the roof, feeling the lilt of the plane. The television clock, which was currently playing an ad for this airline, read only four-thirty in the morning in Japan, and Florida's current time to be 3:30 PM. To her surprise, the advertisement stated Seven Wind Airlines was a business funded by S.A. Enterprise.

        So Shizira's father also owned this flight company. Oh boy.

        An hour later, after casually day-dreaming and talking with Raviel about her concerns over whether anyone from their old home might be in Florida and recognize them, the plane descended. They slid smoothly down the runway, and flight attendants walked around waking up sleeping passengers. Kiria did them a favor and woke Asuiri, who yawned sleepily and then bounced up in excitement. They yanked up the blinds and watched American soil roll by.

        The exit from the airport was relatively the same, save for the fact they stopped at baggage claim to pick up their suitcases and then went to car rentals. A car was rented, and then they were off to their hotel. Harune went on about all the things he and Shizira had thought up to do during this trip, what places they could visit. The sun beat down on the white car as Asuiri and Malice both stuck their heads out the window and inhaled the clean, American, sun-crisped breeze.

        The sun was well up when they checked in to the hotel. Three buildings much like a tic mark stood facing each other, connected by bridges at their middle floors. In the center was a giant pool area, which looked inviting. They rode the elevator up and walked down the hall to room 8-27. Harune scanned the keycard, passed the other cards out to everyone, and entered. It was a lush living space and kitchen, as big as Kiria's old apartment. There was a door on the left wall and two on the right, the second being the bathroom. Harune explained the girls would take the right side and he'd take the left with Asuiri. Because these were only two-bedroom two-bed cells, the right had been connected to the next room over. The hotel employees assured the guest in that room would only need the one bedroom, so the door would be locked to entering their kitchen and living area.

        They carried their suitcases to their rooms. Shizira claimed one room with Kiria, and Axel and Malice would take the other room that had been unlocked for them to use. Shizira took the bed closest to the window, opened the small closet, and inspected it. She set her suitcase in front of its closed doors and unzipped it, letting it lie open.

        "Today is just to get acquainted to the hotel, as well as tonight. It's to get acclimated to the time-zone change, ya know? Tomorrow we're going to take a tour at the NASA Space Center. Father always likes visiting educational places, you know?"

        "Shizira, do you love your father?"

        "With a large piece of my heart," Shi answered. "I haven't been on a trip with him in years. Come on, let's go down to the pool, eh? We've got to stay awake until this evening, so our bodies get used to the time."


        Kiria was already enjoying herself, and she could tell the same from Axel and Malice. Their visit to the Kennedy Space Center had been enlightening. They'd seen a giant, full-size decomissioned flight craft hanging from the ceiling, gotten a tour of the control center, and everyone had taken a picture together where it looked like they were floating in space. The only thing truly unnerving about it was the fear of alligators in the parking lot.

The Beast Underneath: A Yu-Gi-Oh! FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora