Chapter Twenty-Four: Followed

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The sky was dark and some-what cloudy when they exited the theater. Shizira had been kind enough to pay for the tickets, as well as popcorn - which Kiria learned was one of her favorite foods. They'd shared the popcorn, together, and sat in the dark of the room with the glow of the screen reflecting on to their faces.

"That was... interesting enough," Shizira commented.

"I thought so," Kiria added. "It was pretty funny, although the bits with the vulgar humor were... not as welcomed."

"That's something I can agree to," the ravenette replied. The city was quiet, everyone either at home or at their jobs. Even the duelists seemed to have shut up and gone to rest for the day. Only the ocassional passer-by interrupted their conversation, and a few restaurants had softly chatting people sitting outside.

"I enjoyed that, Shi. We should hang out more like this."

"Glad to hear, Ki. To be honest, I've never really had friends before now. It's... nice. Even though I can't do much to protect you from her, I'll still do my best."

"You're a better friend than anyone I knew back in America," Kiria replied. "The ones that were close to me were... ah... uh..."

"I understand what you're getting at. You don't have to say it. I'm just glad that I've found some people I can share myself with. As a kid, I wasn't really hated... nobody just seemed to care enough to befriend me. There were days I didn't mind, too. I had my magic, and my magic was good enough. But when I bought the earrings, scary things happened around me and I forgot so much. I never told anyone. But I'm grateful to you guys, and Asuiri's stubborn-ness. I wouldn't have been so open otherwise."

Kiria nodded slowly in agreement, and they carried on, walking side-by-side down the dark street. Every so often, at measured distances, they passed under street-lights which provided a circle of orange-colored glow. Trees rustled in the quiet, as quiet as a city could be. Shizira heard the tapping of feet, and turned to look over her shoulder. A shadow darted into the shade of a building, trying to hide itself. She got a glimpse of a masculine jaw-line and predatory eyes, nothing more.

"Something wrong, Shi?" Kiria whispered. Shizira turned back around, staring straight ahead and picking her pace up slightly. Kiria had to stretch her stride to match her.

"Whatever you do," Shizira answered lowly between the two. "Do not turn around. Do not stop. Keep walking."


"Sh!" Shizira gently took Kiria's hand in her own, wrapping their fingers together. The green-goldette blushed, but it wasn't a display of affection. Shizira tugged on her arm, leading them quickly away. The footsteps behind them picked up.

"Shizira, what-"

"Mistress, you're being followed."

"Oh," she mumbled, and tried to look over her shoulder. Her arm jerked, and her head snapped back around to prevent herself from falling. Shizira was almost jogging, now.

"I told you not to look back at him," she hissed.


"Don't apologize. I just need to get my phone, and maybe I can call Han or something... but for now, we just need to lose him." They turned, darting down an alley lit with lights. Back doors lined its expanse, with numbers spray-painted on their exteriors. The footsteps amplified as their pursuer turned down the alley.

Shizira took another right, and then cursed. It was a dead-end, with only a dumpster on the back wall laden with some black garbage bags. Shizira turned around, as did Kiria, when a figure stood at the head of their only escape.

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