Chapter Seven: Izira is (Hardly) Tamed

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"...Shi?" Asuiri broke the silence, a fearful look on his face.

"Guys...?" Her eyes flickered, for the briefest of seconds, to the earrings before she focused back on them. She looked traumatized.

"I'm sorry for keeping your own secret from you," Kiria apologized first.

"At this point, Kiria... I - uh - think that's a little irrelevant. You would have found out anyway." Her face seemed to tighten, and then she closed her eyes. Shizira Sanunmon was crying. She held the pillow in her hands tightly, tucking it close.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't want her to hurt you, but she didn't listen to me! And now... and now..." She trailed off, sobbing into the pillow.

Asuiri practically threw himself at the teary-eyed girl, holding her in a headlock of a hug. Shizira cringed, as if trying to get away from contact. He seemed sad that she would do such a thing.

"Don't cry, Shi," Asuiri comforted. "It's okay now."

"People miss you at school," Kiria added. "Including us."

Shi attempted to push Asuiri off. "My head...," she groaned. Asuiri looked at Shizira, concerned. She held her temples between her hands, curling into herself. Shi started trembling, to their surprise, as if she were actually in pain.

"But you aren't wearing the earrings...," Kiria pointed out. She looked over to said earrings, which were violently swinging.

"I can hear her. She's very, very annoying." Raviel told his mistress.

"What's she saying?" Kiria asked aloud.

"She's saying, and I quote - You better get these earrings on right now you goddamn son of cockwaffle! I have never in my life experienced such a severely inconsiderate, abominal, idiotic, trash-bound... Mistress, I do not think I should continue further. Her language is... vulgar. Intelligent, but vulgar."

Kiria's eyes widened. "Uhm..."

"And she's saying all of this loudly. Very loudly."

"Loudly...?" Kiria focused back on Shizira, who was now curled up in a ball-like position, rocking back and forth. Her face was turning red, and she was shaking much harder. Asuiri was still holding her in a semi-hug, looking confused and scared. "How loud?"

"Loud enough," Shizira whimpered, curling up even tighter somehow. "Why can't you shut up?... If you keep yelling, I won't put them back on because you'll blow my ears out!"

"How can you still hear her if you aren't wearing the earrings...?" Asuiri asked, leaning back and briefly poking his pointer fingers together.

"She's good at magic too, Asuiri. She bound us... she just can't possess my body if I don't wear them."

"Your evil spirit thing is good at magic?"

Shizira nodded, as if she weren't capable of much else.

Suddenly, the ravenette released a big breath, and her face returned to normal colors. She let her arms and body go limp, relaxing against Asuiri's shoulder. He seemed startled by the action. Her breathing was shallow, and she shook her head - seemingly to clear it.

"She's trying to convince me to put them back on," Shizira explained. "She swears that she won't hurt you guys any more, but I... I don't believe her."

"I wouldn't either. She is manipulative as hell."

"Raviel!" Kiria scolded under her breath.

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