Chapter Forty-Six: The Lovely Tomat Girl and Asu-chan

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Kiria woke up at eleven a.m. the next day, which was surprising because normally she woke up earlier than that. If she didn't naturally wake up at number-below-ten a.m., then Malice or Axel woke her up with her noise by ten a.m.

She did her daily routine, like any other day; go in the closet and pick some clothes, take a shower and brush her teeth (not at the same time), get dressed, and then make breakfast. However, it seemed she lacked a crowd to make breakfast for - the house was oddly empty today. There was also a note left on the counter, obviously in Axel's handwriting.


Going out with Malice to do things. Asuiri came over at a ridiculous time and asked if you wanted to help him w/ something. He gave an address, and said if you wanted to you could go there and 'it could be date-ish i don't know kinda' and then he blushed a lot. Yeah, he's really into you. Anyway, have fun, whatever you do! Oh, and he also specified to bring a bag with snacks, crayons, paper, some bandages or whatnot for 'boo-boos', extra clothes, etc. and wear a white shirt. And he added if you arrive before one you get to do something 'super fun!'


Beneath the letter was an address, also written in her sister's handwriting. By the end of the letter, Kiria's face had turned pink. She gently set it down, going into her bedroom and changing shirts. Her trusty rainbow backpack, who'd been through all these adventures with her, would go on another. She placed Raviel's rock inside, a box of crayons and a cheap sketchbook she'd gotten, spare clothes, and a lunch - which included a sandwich and water bottle. She was usually bird-like about food, despite being a good cook.

Kiria stuffed the note into her pocket and exited the building, wandering down the streets and using their names and numbers as a guide. This inevitably took her past the park, down the road beyond Domino High - which was closed today - and to a multi-floored building with glass-pane windows decorated with window paint on the inside. Like pretty, artistic curtains. The sign above the door said 'Domino Recreation Center'. She pulled the door open, getting a blast of cool air that smelled like tooth paste, baby powder, and paint.

The wall behind the check-in counter was covered in children's drawings. There were potted plants and waiting chairs in this main lobby area, as well as two hallways in either back corner whose wall connected to the back to form a kind of fat-bottomed 'T'. Where the hallways led, she had no idea, but to the left of the check-in was a stair well, which presumably led to the upper floors.

"Welcome to Domino Recreation Center, how may I help you? Our current activities and events are on the scheduling board behind me, or you can rent a room for 24,041 yen for an entire day. We do birthday parties, class events, and more! And our right wing there connects to conference halls and the Museum of Recreational History."

"D-Do you know where Asuiri Takabetsuno is?" Kiria asked.

The clerk's face instantly brightened, and she more thoroughly assessed the squirming Kiria by the doors. "You must be that lovely Tomat girl he talks about. Well, honey, just sign in on the board. He's on floor three, Room 3B."

Kiria nervously moved toward the counter, and signed in on the top-most available slot, including the date and time, which was conveniently provided on a small electronic clock set beside the board. The woman reached over and stamped a bright red smiley face on the back of Kiria's hand.

"So any security knows you're okay to be in here," the lady provided. Kiria turned and started up the stairs, climbing until she reached Floor 3. When she peered out into the hall, she saw an elevator at the far end and bathrooms at the other, railings down the halls and more cute drawings, and four sets of double-doors with plaques next to them. She moved toward one end of the hall, finding rooms A and C. Turning back around, she moved to the opposite doors.

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